Study Buddies

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You're a straight A student, sometimes. But being fairly good at most subjects a lot of people ask for your help, especially in English. Speeches and just writing in general is something you enjoy doing. Lately, jock, Grayson Dolan has been in your dm's trying to get you to do his homework in exchange for money. Instead of just going over to his house and helping him out for free. So you deny. Then he started bugging you at school, forcing you to say yes. Now, every Saturday night you go to Grayson's and help him out with homework.


"Okay, where's the paper you got in class Wednesday?" He shrugged his shoulders and was too busy texting his friends about some party tonight at one of the varsity cheerleaders house. Instead of helping him with his work, I started to get myself stuff together, tired of him not taking any of these sessions seriously. "Wait, where are you going?" He got up and slammed the door right in front of my face as I tried to leave. "Home. I'm done with tutoring you." I tried to pull the door open but he just applied more weight on it, making things a lot more difficult than it should be. Not having his shit, I hit him in the ball and hurried out of the room. Running straight into his Mom. "Hi Leah. You're leaving early." So tempted to tell her the truth about her douchebag of a son, I nodded my head and smiled. "Yeah, turns out Grayson has been doing really well in school." I saw him in my peripheral vision, knowing damn well that he's failing both English and Science. "We just had a little talk about how he's solid without me." She smiled wide and hugged Grayson when he had walked down the stairs, knowing that I lied.

Offering to walk me out, I refused and thanked his Mom for allowing me over the past few months. Walking out to my car, Grayson followed me down the driveway. "Are you kidding me? You know I have almost an F in two classes." Not caring anymore I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, putting my bag in the back seat. "Should've thought about that. But have fun at your party. Maybe you can have sex with someone in an exchange of doing your homework." He walked over to my car and opened the passenger door and sat in the car, not getting out. But I wasn't leaving until he did, so this was a long ass waiting game that he doesn't know I'm good at.

"Look." He turned down the music and waited for me to actually look at him. "Oh sorry. Did you say something? I was too busy talking about going to dinner with my friends tonight. You know. Cause I'm free today." I smiled and continued on with making fake plans of going to Cheesecake tonight. Which pissed him off; to the point where he slammed his hand on my console, in an attempt of scaring me. "Grayson, okay, I get it. You need help in school but treating me like shit isn't going to help you get any better. I have a sick sister to take care of but instead I'm here. Helping you out with school. Something you're not grateful for." I yelled, getting it off my chest and him finally listening to me for once in the four months I've been coming around. "What?" He looked at me differently the moment I said it, the reason why I don't tell anyone. "Why didn't you tell me?" I shrugged my shoulders and played with my phone case. Picking at the silicone that is ripping off. "It was nothing for you to really worry about. And you said nothing more. Just strictly school. So venting to you was a no go." Without warning, he hugged me. Grayson Dolan has a heart? This isn't normal. He uses girls for sex and his needs, never thought he actually has a heart.

Venting everything out to him and he sat there and listened, listened to every word and studdered that had came out of my mouth.

He had actually invited inside after our episode. During our long ass conversation his family had left, checking on us before they had gone out. "You're Mom and Dad are very sweet." Softly laughing, he shut and locked the front door, turning on the dining room lights. First time actually realizing how huge his house was, I was very surprised. "Just don't- Want something to eat?" I shook my head and sat at the bar and watched him look for something to snack on before we get back to studying. "You literally told me you're so busy that you barely eat. So the least I can do is feed you." With a huge smile, he picked up his phone and started to order pizza. "Call it a date."

We went up to his room to finish up homework and got a lot done before the pizza delivery guy had came. Who just had been someone from school, who happen to know the both of us. "No fucking way!" He said as I answered the front door to pay the guy since Gray was upstairs changing. I mentally smacked the shit out of myself. And it didn't help that he gave me a shirt to change into.

"Why do you worry what people think? I enjoy having you around and frankly, letting people think that we are dating wouldn't hurt." He said after I told him about the pizza guy and how he was so shocked to see me at his house. His comment had made me role my eyes, "It be a great rumors huh bup." We both started laughing just thinking about all the stupid rumors and all the people who actually fell for something so stupid. "Well, let's clean up and get to work."
I nodded my head and started to clean up as he put the rest of the pizza in the oven, to save for later. Even though he's most likely not going to be saved for later. His sister is going to get to it first. In the middle of cleaning up, he turned off the light. "Grayson. This isn't funny. I'm scared of the dark." I shouted, trying to find my way through the kitchen. Running straight into the wall, falling and hitting my head on the cabinet. "Oh my Gosh." He laughed, helping me up then hugging me, rubbing the top of my head but still laughing really hard.

For the rest of the night we had hung out and were just having fun. But finished up his paper and math homework that is due on Monday. Which was a lot harder to finish than expected because we were laughing too much about nothing.

Time had went by really fast and his family had got home and Mom reminded me that it was time to get going because of how late. Again, I thanked her for allowing me over. "Okay well. Let's walk you out." Grayson had held open the front door as I was finishing up a conversation with his Mom. Walking down the driveway, we started cracking jokes and continued to almost pee ourselves because of it. "Maybe we should do this again. Just maybe without the homework part." I smiled and crossed my arms, pushing up my glasses. "Is Grayson Dolan asking me out on a date?" Obviously not taking it serious and making a joke, he got all red and embarrassed about it. "What? No. Nevermind." He started to walk away but I grabbed his hand and upper arm, not letting him any further. "I would love too." I laced my hand with his and ran my other down his arm and stopped at his forearm. A smile grew on his face and he looked away, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. "You're too cute. I'll see you later." I told him, letting go of his hand but he didn't let go. Instead he held on and gripped my waist with his other hand, pulling me toward him. Being face to face, chest to chest. Made me smile a little. "Why you blushing?" He asked, looking from my eyes down to my lips. I put my hand against his chest, covering my face with my free hand.

"You're no good for me Grayson Dolan." I straight up told him but that didn't make him change anything, just gave him more of a reason to tempt me. "And you're not much better for me Leah Cordova." Making me smile a little, he put his hand against my cheek and rubbed his thumb across. Just as he was about to make a move his friends pulled up, I got embarrassed and got in my car. Not wanting them to even say anything about me or him, or us. "Let's go. The girls are skinny dipping!" Jax, his partner in crime had yelled, showing him a snapchat of it. Not even thinking about the moment we had, he didn't hesitate about getting in the car or think twice about everything we did tonight. "You're no good for me Grayson Dolan." I started up my car and drive off and out of his neighborhood.

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