All I Want is You II

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Friends are friends until you have a crush on your bestfriend. Grayson Dolan has your heart and refuses to give it. Keeping it held captive and locked up, refusing to give it back. Just the only thing is, he has someone else's heart too. This is one he wants more than anything.


The weekend into our break, Grayson just happens to go missing. That night he was suppose to come back never happened. Which is completely normal for him to do. He makes me feel all special and loved by him just to leave and keep me in the friendzone. "Oh, you're home?" My Mom walked into my room, seeing me in my depressed state- laying in my bed and refusing to leave and go hang out with the no friends that I have but she believes exist. "Bella, go out. Have fun. You're only going to regret it." I just looked at her and gave a couple of blinks. As if that was going to change my mind in anyway shape or form. "Why haven't you and Grayson been hanging out?" Now I was really giving her a look, "He has a girlfriend." I turned the other and pulled the covers over my head, being really depressed now.

She left me alone for a few hours to run some errands and get things done before Thanksgiving Day. But within that time, I managed to get up out of bed but failed.

"Hey, get up. Let's go out." I heard mumbles coming into my room. But who else could it had been. "Bells." His weight had sat on the edge of my bed, I refused to even look at him. Just his presence put me in a bad mood. Not making me feel good whatsoever. "Go away." I pulled my blanket from under him, actually wanting to be left alone and not bothered. He ran his hand through my hair and I smacked it away. "She's just going to be stubborn. Leave her alone and let's go. My parents are waiting." The footsteps of the devil had walked down my stairs but Grayson's weight remained on my bed. "You brought her here, Grayson!" I slightly sat up, wanting an answer out of him.
Out of everyone in this entire world, he ended up wanting my step sister. Satan herself, raised up from hell to be placed on this earth. Rae. "Just go Grayson. Her parents are waiting." I got out of my bed and walked over to the door, holding it open for him.

I slammed my door shut the moment he stepped out. Getting in my bed and screaming into my pillow. Kicking my feet, completely acting like a child. Which- in my case was very reasonable because Grayson was suppose to be mine but Rae beat me to it. They met at one of my family gatherings sophomore year. Junior year is when they started dating. Ever since, it seems like Grayson cares less and less each month they get closer and closer to being together for a whole year. It was never this much trouble when it was just the two of us.

"Bells, I'll be home Thursday." My Mom had quickly gave me a kiss on the forehead before grabbing her bag and making her way out the door, "You just came home!" The door banged as it shut close. I threw back my head and screamed. Feeling completely abandoned on this Thanksgiving week.

Taking what felt like a whole bottle of aspirin, I sat on the couch and just stared at the tv. And never bothering to turn it on. Sitting in silence was the worse and best thing to happen in this moment. Until someone knocked on the door, ruining everything.
"Go get changed and dress warm. I'm not taking a no." Grayson stood at my door, demanding me. As if it even works anymore. I peeked over his shoulder and saw Rae sitting in the passenger seat. He blocked my way, "Why can't it be just me and you? You bring her everywhere you go." I walked away and just wanted to scream and cry. "Bell, she's my girlfriend. What do you want me to do?" I just wanted to express my actual feelings but I just kept them to myself and for no one else to hear. Avoiding the future argument, I just turned around and walked away. "Oh no. Nononono. Don't do that to me Bell. You can't. Say it." He grabbed my arm and held it pretty tight. Being able to look him directly in the eyes and not burst into tears was an achievement. "Let go. Leave me alone." He pulled me aggressively towards him, this time holding my waist- we were face-to-face. "What do you want from me Bell? Just say it. I'll do it." His eyes flickered back and forth. Filled with frustration.


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