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Working since the age of 15, raising yourself since seven, you had to grow up fast. On your sixteenth birthday you had officially been fighting your parents for two years of emancipation. And that day, you got the news of officially winning that fight. Surrounded by drugs and alcoholic, having different men and women in the house almost every other night, you wanted something else for yourself, something that your parents weren't ever able to achieve in their life time.


Conversation with bestie

Etee: Hey
Sage: Hi
Etee: Are you free tonight?
Sage: You're not dragging me to another stupid party Ethan. Everyone already hates me because of last time.
Etee: Well nobody will hate you at this party because it's not a party.
Sage: Oh great, what lovely event this is one?
Sage: It better not be stupid.
Etee: A formal one.
Sage: And how do you expect me to find a dress within the next few hours???
Etee: I got it all figured babe. Don't worry.
Sage: Over stepping.
Etee: It's not over stepping when it's going to happen some day.
Sage: Whatever you say Ethan. You can shoot for the stars and possibly not land on the moon.
Etee: Sometimes you do, I'll be over in a bit.
Sage: Fine.


I walked into my bedroom, showing Ethan the dress he picked out, "Hooolly fuck. Might have to skip out on tonight." Pulling me towards him, I couldn't help but laugh at his stupid comment. "Still in the friend zone." Ruining the whole moment, he groaned and grabbed his clothes, walking into my bathroom and slamming the door right behind him. Going into the hallway bathroom, I just did a simple little braid and pulled out pieces of hair to curl, making it more reasonable to go out with such a nice dress on.

Now, waiting on Ethan, I sat on my couch watching a few minutes of Noah Centineo's new movie on Netflix. But just as it got past the boring few minutes in the beginning, he grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. "Let's go babe." He put out his hand waiting on me just to freely hold his hand.
Just to piss him off, I walked past him and turned all the lights off in my house, along with several other things that might potentially be on for no apparent reason. "Listo?" Giving him a little smile, he rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone and wallet off the kitchen counter. Along with running back into my apartment to grab his keys. "Idiot." Locking up the door, he pulled hair causing a little fight in the hallway. Cussing and yelling at eachother, one of my neighbors had came out and yelled at the both of us. "This is why my neighbors hate me." Latching on his arm, laughing as we quickly sped walked to the elevators.

Walking into this huge dining hall, Ethan had dragged me over to a group of his friends that I had never even see or met before. "You look gorgeous. What's up?" Ethan's close friend had came up and gave me a hug and did their little cute handshake with Ethan. They both had mingled as I stayed seated with my phone and salad bowl. Bored out of my mind, one of Ethan's friends from earlier. "Hi, Erick. Never got your name. But bet it's something beautiful." Greeting me with a stupid pick up line, I flung a piece of lettuce in my mouth giving him a smile. "Maybe." Trying to avoid his clearly buzzed self. "Do you go and flirt with all your boy's girls?" Now just trying to make him think I'm dating Ethan. "Nah, just the cute ones. And you're hot with a nice rack and fat ass." Smacking his hand off my thigh, I got out of my seat to go find Ethan and Noah.

"Hi. Hey, Noah." Trying to get away from Erick, I had found the next best option to Ethan. His bestfriend. "What's up? What's wrong?" When I had saw Erick come looking for me, without thinking, I pulled Noah in for a kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck and just deepening the kiss. But when I had pulled away, instant regret. "I'm sorry. Erick was just hitting on me and I was looking for Ethan and i...  I- I'm sorry." He kept his hands on my hips and started laughing, "It's fine. Just explain this to Ethan." Laughing at this whole situation, I had then thought about Ethan and how he is going to take it.

Looking all around for Ethan, this stupid event was about to end. Noah had disappeared and trying to find Ethan was hard, but I wasn't surprised to see him sitting outside by himself. "Hey, E." I called but he didn't answer or even bother to look my way. Assuming that he just didn't hear me, I walked over and tapped on his shoulder. "Can I just be alone?" He avoided eye contact and kept his voice low. Not listening to his request, I walked right in front of him and squatted, "What's wrong?" He shook his head and just kept silent, "Babe, what's wrong?" Breaking down crying, I stood up and hugged him, holding him tight. Trying my best not to assume the worse I remained to hold him and just be there for him in this moment until he was ready to tell me what was going on.

Going back home, Ethan had walked me up holding my hand still not bring up the reason as to why he had separated from the group to have his little moment alone. "Can I ask you a question?" Taking the long way to my apartment, I nodded my head to see what he had to ask. "Why are you scared to make anything official between us?" Shrugging my shoulders, I stared at the floor as we walked slowly. "The outcome. I come from a broken home and was taught that love is everything but what it should be." He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards him, kissing the top of my head. "Well, I love you. And no kiddy shit. So whenever you want to take that as a whole different definition of what your parents taught you." I got up on my tippy toes and kissed him, just to shut him up and prove his point. "I love you too Ethan."

Hanging out for a little bit, Ethan had made the effort of wanting to go home. "I should get going. Noah is probably up waiting for me." Pulling the blanket off himself and going over to grab his vans, I had sat up and got out of bed to walk him out. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Nodding my head, he had opened the front door before giving me a kiss like it was such a normal thing. "Why don't you stay the night?" I grabbed on his hand just as he was about to step out. Giving me a little smirk, he shut the door and locked it. "I wouldn't mind."

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