Come Get Me, Please II

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Blacked out is the term used to describe when a person is so drunk that they wake up the next morning with temporary amnesia, no recollection of what they did the night before. It can be used as a verb or as an adjective


Gray: Hey

Mac: Hi
Mac: Is there something wrong?

Gray: Unfortunately

Mac: What's wrong?

Gray: Ethan. He's not handling the break up all too well.

Mac: He's not my problem anymore.

Gray: Yeah but, you're the only person who he wants at this moment. He's a few drinks to being blacked out and he's not listening to me, he's crying about you.
Gray: It's just been a shit show since you guys broke up.

Mac: Uh... okay. Just sent me the location, I'll get there in a bit. I'm at work.

Ethan: Baaaaabbbbbbyyy! I want to come home. I can't do this anymore.
Ethan: Just please hear me out.
Ethan: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even put hands on you and being drunk doesn't give me any good excuse for it.
Ethan: I love you
Ethan: I miss you
Ethan: I can't freaking lose you.
Ethan: Please, another chance
Ethan: I need to make things right.

Mac: Where you at?
Mac: How much have you been drinking?

Ethan: At Erik's party

Mac: Where's Grayson?

Ethan: I don't know, he disappeared.
Ethan: Come get me, please?

Mac: I'll be right there Ethan. Don't drink anymore.

Ethan: I just want you back.


Mackenzie's POV

Walking through the party, I wasn't anywhere never surprised about the amount of people who were trying to get at me. They were all drunk freshmen in college. It's a Friday night, what was I going to expect from them, to be polite?
"Hey!" I shouted, watching as Erik slowly turned to face towards me. Blowing his smoke in my face with a creepy smile, I waited for him to give me an answer. "Where's Ethan?" He looked around and shrugged his shoulders, pushing him off to the side, I tried to get ahold of Grayson but it was no use. There's no way he's going to hear or feel his phone.

Searching through the house, I walked into the backyard and ran into a group of drunk guys. "Babygirl, I have a thrown for you to sit on." Some douche bag had said as he grabbed himself, it wasn't cute. Trying my best to ignore them and continue to look for Ethan and Grayson, one of the guys had grabbed me and brought me over to him. "Damn, you choose them good Nate." They gave eachother a high five, before groping me aggressively. "Stop! No! Leave me alone!" I kicked and pushed, wanting them to let me go. Screaming at the top of my lungs, one of them covered my mouth. Trying my best just to make them leave me alone, I bit the guys handed and screamed for Ethan.

Continuous screaming and losing breath, I was just about to give up with fighting back. Not having anymore strength than the four of them combined. "Leave her alone!" The guy had been pushed off of me. Trying to pull myself off the floor, I just couldn't find the strength. "Hey babe, you're okay, you're alright. I got you." The voice was soft and sincere. Not caring who it was, I hugged them tight and started crying. Just needing comfort.

Grayson's POV

It had concerned me when the police had been called and everyone was running out of the house who was underage and drinking. All I had been worried about was Ethan and getting him past the police. But instead I had just waited and showed him our ID's when they asked. They had went through the house and brought as dirt bags from the backyard in handcuffs. Followed back some guy giving them a police report and two girls. "Mackenzie?" I called out and she looked up at me. Her shirt had been torn, with cuts and bruises. She came running over to me, giving me the tightest hug in the world. "I just want to go home."

Taking Ethan home and leaving him with my sister, I headed to the hospital to get Mackenzie once she was cleared by both the doctors and policemen.

I had waited for an hour or so just to give her clothing I brought so she can come home in something comfortable.
"Thanks Gray." She murmured, taking the bag from me and walking over to the bathroom to get changed. The policemen had looked at me weirdly and so did the people who stopped anything from happening. Ignoring it, I had greeted Mac when she came back out and handed me back the bag. Walking out with her under my arm, I had been extra careful with who was around and watching us.

For the rest of the night, it had been silent. Nobody talked, nobody asked questions, we all acted like it was just a normal night. Out of Mackenzie's request. Just Ethan, he was left out of the loop. He was already fast asleep when we had came home. Handing her off to my sister, Cameron took Mac and made sure everything was okay before just letting her sleep in the room with Ethan.

Ethan's POV

"Morning gorgeous." I walked into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal after kissing Mac on the cheek and giving her a morning hug. Then it hit me and made me back track. "What?" I asked, looking at both Cam and Gray for reassurance. It was so shocking to see her at my brother's place even after what happened between the two of us. I can't even remind the last time she spent the night here. "Ethan, we need to talk." Mac told me which had made this happy moment turn into one I had been walking on thin ice with.

Recapping me on what happened last night, I couldn't decide whether I wanted to just hold her tight or want to kill the guys who did this to her.
"I'm sorry babe. This is all my fault." I held her close and kissed her temple, feeling the tears roll down my cheek I couldn't help but just blame myself for what happened.

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