Come Get Me, Please

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The point at which you have consumed so much alcohol, that you are incoherent have difficulty  remembering simple things i.e where you live, how old you are, how ugly you are, how ugly that girl your about to sleep with is. Being shit-faced is usually an experience you only want to try once, and never again.


Ethan: Baby, I love you.

Mac: Stfu I'm sleeping

Ethan: No, I reeeeeaaallly mean it.
Ethan: Like damn, how did I get soooooo lucky?

Mac: Ethan, shut up and go to sleep.

Ethan: Just talk to me 😭 You never want to just talk. Always something with you.

Mac: It's two in the morning. I just got off of work two hours ago.
Mac: So yeah, there's going to be something wrong with me.

Ethan: Stop being a little bitch
Ethan: No please don't get mad. I'm sorry I didnt mean it I swear

Mac: What's going on Ethan?

Ethan: Nothing I swear.
Ethan: Like
Ethan: Really
Ethan: Why what's wrong?

Mac: Did you go to that party with Erik?

Ethan: ...

Mac: I told you not too. You never listen to me.

Ethan: Finals stressed me out, I needed to blow off some steam and stress.
Ethan: I'm old enough to Take care of myself Mackenzie. I can handle my alcohol.

Mac: Okay.

Ethan: New Flash. You're not my Mom or my wife, you can't always tell me what to do.

Mac: I'm not handling your drunk ass right now Ethan. When you decide that you had enough, call Grayson cause I'm sure as hell not picking you up.


Ethan: Grrrrraaaysssooon

Gray: What E?

Ethan: I need a little help

Gray: Mac told me not to help you.

Ethan: And you're going to listen to her? Come on bro, we're brothers

Gray: No. Mac told you not to go to that party and of course you didn't listen. She's just wants the best for you.

Ethan: So the fuck what. I'm allowed to live my life.

Gray: That's how you end up single Ethan.

Ethan: You guys are both annoying, bye.


Mac: Should I just go and get him, before he gets worse?

Gray: No, let him learn his lesson. He wants to act dumb let him.

Mac: I just feel bad. I would want him to pick me up.

Gray: You also are always with him when you guys go out to parties like that. He needs to learn. I told him three hours ago that I was going home and he didn't listen.

Mac: I just hope nothing bad happens.

Gray: If he gets picked up, he gets picked up. Let him spend time behind bars.

Mac: Okay.
Mac: But if he texts shit faced, I'm going to get him.

Gray: I'll meet you over there.


Ethan: Ahhhh
Ethan: Babe
Ethan: Mac
Ethan: Mackenzie
Ethan: Babe, I miss you
Ethan: plzzzz
Ethan: come get me.
Ethan: I don't feel so good.

Ethan: Gray
Ethan: Grayson
Ethan: Bro I really need someone to get me
Ethan: Plz bro
Ethan: How come you aren't answering
Ethan: I thought we were brothers


Gray: I'll meet you over there?

Mac: Already down the street


Walking up to the house, I wasn't suprised to see him accompanied by some girl. She have me a smile as I walked up to take over from here. "He was getting mobbed by girls, I know him from English class. Wouldn't want him cheating on a girl he's in love with." With a smile, I told her thank you. But the moment she walked away, I smacked the back of his head. "Why are you here?" He asked, giving me a dirty look, trying to keep his balance as he stood. "To help your dumbass." Laughing like this was some sick joke, he grabbed his closed bottle of beer that had been sitting on the floor and opened it. "The only help I need is to find away for you to get out my life. Because frankly, you just been annoying and breathing down my back." Nodding my head and at my last straw with him, I ignored his comment and tried to take him home.

"Stop! Leave me alone!" He pushed me away, causing me to trip over the curb and fall into the street. Shocked, I looked up at him. Not even recognizing who he was at this moment. With the beer bottle in his hand and looking like a complete mess, I couldn't even bare to be in his sight any longer. "Fine." I picked myself up and walked back to my car down the street.

Grayson had came jogging over to me as I walked quickly over to my car. "Did you get him?" I looked back at the house and shook my head. "I think it's best if you get him." Handing over a confused looked, he looked at me a little longer than usual. It had almost made me uncomfortable. "Did he lay his hands on you?" Not wanting to throw his brother under the bus because it wasn't that big of a deal but it was Grayson, he was going to find out anyway.

Grayson's POV

Dragging Ethan's drunk ass to my car, I couldn't even bother to look at him. This wasn't the kid I grew up with or who my Mom and Dad raised.
"You're lucky I don't beat your ass Ethan." Locking him in the back seat, not wanting him anywhere in arms reach, I hopped in the front and drove straight home.

A few hours had past and the whole night I was tossing and turning. Just couldn't fall asleep completely.
"Grayson? How come Mac keeps forwarding my calls?" Ethan walked in my room and took a seat ag the edge of my bed. I reached over and grabbed my phone, curious of the time. 9:30.

Ethan's POV

"Give her some time, you guys got into a little argument last night." Grayson had rolled over and ignored my question. I wanted the real answer, she just doesn't ignore me after an argument, we always talk it out and work things through. Sitting at the end of the bed, I called a few more times and even texted her. Still no answer. Trying to out things together,  nothing was coming to mind. We just don't fight and let it go on. We just aren't that couple, we talk things through we admit to our wrongs. "What did I do?" I asked Grayson, waking him up fully this time. Grabbed the pillow and hugged it. "You really wanna know?" I nodded my head.

My heart fucking shank when Grayson had told me what I did. Being drunk isn't even an excuse to putting my hands on her. Though it was something as little as shoving her, it just wasn't me. "She's going to hate me forever. I probably reminded her of her dad."

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