The Break Up

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You: It's been a few months and I still can't wrap around my mind about our breakup. I treated you so well but you thoughts i deserved otherwise. In our entire time of being together.... There wasn't a day were I wans't thinking about. I loved you Ethan. But you loved her and I was fine with it. Just never understood out of everyone, why did you want the one person who meant the most to me. What Did i do to deserve this? If I did something wrong please tell me. It's like writing a book with out an ending but still publishing it. You won't see this because all your time is spent on her but i just wanted to let you know that she's a very lucky girl to have an amazing guy like you in her life. Even if you can be a dick sometimes. She should be grateful. Well, i guess this is the official end... hope for the best for you and her and the many years to come. Just hope you can treat and love her the way I did you.



Gray: Hey, I know this is cheesey but, i miss you like hell.

Gray: It's only been a few months but you leaving me hurt like hell. HAHA In all honesty I still go to our spot for the smallest things. To see our initials craved into a tree with the heart, yeah. It breaks my heart to see the over grown bark on it.

Gray: Happy to see you moved on. Yeah, kinda pissed that you take him to the spot to where I asked you out.

Gray: Hope he's treating you like a princess and better than you deserve. Because you deserve more than this world can really offer.

Read 11:32 pm

Gray: I didn't realized you still had my number.... i kinda like that you still care for me... well i hope you still do.

Y/N: Gray, it's been almost a whole year since we broke up. Please move on. When your name pops up on my phone my boyfriend isn't too happy about it. I get in a alot of trouble and it near goes down too easy. I'm sorry, I still love you and will always but not more than a friend. Now I have to go because he's coming to check my phone soon. I'm sorry but please don't text me anymore. Just don't want to live in fear because you texted me in the middle of the night.

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