Study Buddies II

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Let me catch you up. It's a start of a new school year. Senior year in fact. Coming to your last year in highschool, anxiety rose and you had this awkward nervous feeling in your tummy. Which has never happened. Or maybe it's the fact that people are starting to realize the truth behind your 'innocence', or some my say being a slut. You know the truth and he does also. But Grayson Dolan, the schools hot shot. Every girl loves him. Just never thought that he would love someone like you.


"This doesn't seem like homework." His Mom had walked in on us take a little break from all this studying just for a quick 'power nap' as Grayson calls it. I sat up, almost embarrassed that his Mom caught us cuddling up together. She had given me a smile, "I'm kidding, dinners almost done; are you staying?" Giving a sweet smile back, I shook my head, "Family just came into town to see my sister. But thank you Mrs.Dolan." As the door shut, Grayson cracked a smile. Thinking my "excuse" was the funniest thing ever. I softly hit his chest. "Actually, I should get going. My family is strict on tardies." Skooting my ass off the bed, he didn't let me even reach to the end before grabbing me. Pulling me onto his chest and keeping me close, he closed his eyes and acted like he was sleeping.

Staying put for a minute or two, I started dragging my fingers across his sweater, playing with the string, just thinking. "Why don't you come to dinner tonight? You could meet my family finally." I asked boldly. Thinking that he would just come along, finally wanting to meet my family. "I don't think that's a good idea." Judging his answer, I gave a confused look. Not fully understanding the meaning of, 'not a good idea.' "Why wouldn't it be a good idea?" I asked, "I spend time with your family all the time, and get along well with them too." Refusing to answer my question, he went back to ignoring me completely and going on his phone. Typical Grayson. When put into an awkward situation or doesn't want to just answer a question, he finds a way to avoid it. Which always leads into an argument- that he doesn't bother to fix. "Okay Gray, I see where we stand. See you at school Monday." I patted his thigh before getting of the bed and walking straight out of his room.

Heading back home, I was frustrated and confused. Grayson never made an effort to see my family or even meet my parents. We've been doing this whole "dating" thing for about four months now. I've met his parents and immediate family, but he can't do something as little as even bothering to see my sister. When it's not about Grayson, nothing else matters. That's just how it is, and how it will always be.

Monday After school

Doing my normal routine, I went to go and see Grayson. Helping him with his usual English and History work. But today had a little twist to it. We were alone, no sister, no Mom, nobody. Just me, him, and the sound of paper being flipped back and forth. Not bothering to going up to his room because we were alone, we had worked in the dining room. Where things were getting done quickly. Unlike his room where there are many distractions.

After finishing up his work a whole two hours early, I gathered my stuff and was ready to head out. Not having a real reason to stay. Since Grayson wasn't obviously going to bring it up or apologize to me after what happened Saturday. He's not like that, it's always me apologizing and making everything okay between the two of us. Which I'm honestly over with. It's a one sided or whatever you wanna call it. "I think I'm just gonna head home." Grabbing my books and keys, Grayson turned around and looked at me. "Okay." And with that, he started up the stairs. Not trying or anything. "Why do you want things to work out between us?" Asking an honest question, making him stop from even going upstairs. "Why do you want something you aren't willing to work for?" Generally speaking, wanting to know this answer after four months of being in a secret relationship. But of course, he didn't answer. Getting shoved into an awkward situation that he wasn't able to get out of this time around. Even when he tried too, "Don't walk away when I'm talking to you. Turn around and give me an answer." I wanted the truth.

"You want an answer. Fine." He walked down the stairs and got comfortable, wanting to have this conversation. Continue walking towards me, he grabbed my sweater and pulled me towards, looking at me for a second or two. I didn't know what to do or how to act. It was out of nowhere. "I like you Leah. A lot. I just don't want to hurt you at the slightest screw up." Brushing my lips against his, I was scared to do anything more. But he finished it, pulling me closer and kissing me. I pulled away, "Are you scared of hurting me or committing to me?" Asking this question. Grayson Dolan, has never been committed to a relationship longer than a hookup. It's been four months and he's still here.
He looked down, I hugged him. Knowing the truth behind his player mixed with asshole role he plays at school.

Talking about everything, we decided to talk it out in the livingroom. So nothing more happens then just talking- about everything that's going on between us two.

When his mom had came home, she was surprised to see us out in the open and not up in his room for once. "Oh, hi loves." She walked up and gave me a hug before Grayson. Talking to us for a quick moment, she looked down at her watch and made a face. "Gray, don't forget please." She patted his chest before rushing out the front door. I waved bye as she did, "Is there something going on?" He shrugged, closing off. Not telling me anything even after our two hour long conversation about making this relationship work. "My-My Dad's cancer. It uh." He choked up. Immediately pulling him into a hug, I just wanted to hold him and be there when he needed me the most. "Don't worry Gray. He'll be fine. I promise you." I pulled away and wiped his tears off his cheeks. When this role usually is the other way around with the two of us. "They gave him till the end of this month."

And that's when it hit me. As bad as it sounds, I'm just so grateful to have my sister even though she's not in the best condition. But what Grayson's going through, I wouldn't be as strong as he is right now. "I didn't tell you because the last thing that I wanted for you was to worry for me. You already have so much on your plate." He sniffed, looking away for a moment so I wouldn't see him as hurt as he is right now. "Gray." I moved closer towards him, wanting to be someone who he can warm and open up too. "Babe, you got to be strong for him. Kay. He needs you during this time." He nodded his head, falling into my chest. Holding me like I was all he's got in this point of time. I leaned back on the couch and held him close, rubbing his back and running my hand through his hair.

"Please call me if anything, okay." He nodded his head, walking me out. "Kay, text me when you get there. I love you." Getting on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek before getting in my car.

Few hours Later

"Leah, I need you."

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