Arrest {Ethan}

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It was the middle of the night, when you received a call from the police station. They began to explain that they have a man in the holding cell under the name Ethan Grant Dolan. Embarrassed to even know this kid you had said, "Yes, that's my boyfriend." Like several times before. You changed into actual clothes, but this time struggling and completely tired due to the fact that you are about eight months pregnant with his child.

You pulled up to the police station and walked in, getting stares from random parents waiting for their kids. "Hi, I'm here for Ethan Dolan." The cop who was at the front desk just gave you trouble due to the fact, the two of you weren't married nor related. So you stood there waiting to speak to someone else.
A younger man had walked over, giving you a warm smile, "What can I do for you ma'am?"  He asked, taking the grumpy ladies place for now. "Uh yeah, I'm here for Ethan Dolan." He scrolled through the computer, looking for the name. Making a face as he scrolled to it. "Just a few questions first." Willingly to answer these questions, you leaned against the counter ready for them.

After all 95 questions you were told to wait until they get an officer to go in the back to get him. You had nodded your head, taking a seat.
Meanwhile, you called Grayson to deal with his brother because you were far too tired of him doing this at least three times a month.

An hour has past and you were able to have a full course meal in the time you had to wait. Grayson had came and kept you company. Mainly because you just needed a shoulder to sleep on while waiting. "For Ethan Dolan." The grumpy lady from earlier had called. Before I was even able to react, Grayson had got up and was ready to cuss out his brother.

The moment we had got outside, Grayson had shoved Ethan. "Are you fucking stupid E!" Grayson shouted. "You have a kid on the fucking way and still acting like a child, grow the fuck up." Ethan didn't bother to react or say anything because he was right.
He's 23 years old and is acting like a 18 year old. Having to go through this over and over again isn't something you want to go through in the future. But that's why you have Grayson, so it's some what okay.

When you guys got home, Ethan didn't say one word, just bolted out of the car and went inside. Leaving you out in the cold, with uncomfortable clothes on.

You changed back into something more comfortable and warm. "Thanks for bailing me out." He mumbled, ignoring the fact that you were changing. You just shrugged your shoulders and pulled up your sweats. Grabbing a pillow and blanket. "Where you going?" He asked, confused. "To sleep in the nursery. I don't even want to see you right now." You said, walking out of the room down the hall, locking the door once you got in.

Getting comfortable, you grabbed one of your babies stuff animals and cuddled it, trying to go back to sleep.

A few hours had past and at this point, you were just staring at the walls. The sun was coming up and Ethan's fat ass was snoring loudly. Your eyes became watery, knowing you were unable of doing this anymore. So you got out of bed and went to yours and Ethan's room.
"Ethan get up." You said loudly. All he had did was grip the pillow tighter. "ETHAN! GET UP!" This time you shouted, hitting him with the pillow. He quickly woke up and had gotten pissed off. "Are you kidding me y/n! You scared the shit out of me." He tried to go back to sleep but you hit him once again. "Now you know how I feel. Having to wake up to 3 o'clock phone call saying that you're in a holding cell because you can't control your anger." Having his full attention. You had went on, getting him mad. Trying to prove a point, he started curling his fist and face started to become red.

He had got in your face, basically yelling over the fact you were kicking him out. You just contained your emotions, not letting him get to you. At this point, you were waiting to piss him off where he leaves. "You're so lucky that you're a girl or else." He mumbled the rest to himself, which had bugged you. "What? Or else what. You're gonna hit me?" You laughed, seeing his face after you said that. "Go ahead, I'm right here. You won't be the first boy to hit me." His mood had changed as you walked out, bringing up your past.

Ever since you guys had got together, the one thing he promised he'd never do was lay a finger on you, joking or serious. Knowing that your past two relationships had put you in such harm, he knew he had to one up them. Which he has, until this threat.

"Y/n." He tried to say sorry but you wouldn't accept it. You had turned your back to him leaving him with this, "I don't want my daughter growing up with a man who threatens her mother."

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