Childhood Friends pt.5

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Since your brother has poured out his feelings about yours and Nate's relationship, he's been keeping it to himself. Not wanting to seem anymore jealous than he appeared to be. But it's two weeks until your wedding when news has came your way and you don't know how to handle it.


This was the longest five minutes of my life. How can I be this stupid as let something like this happen? I sat in the other room, trying to distract my mind from it being such a long wait. "Skye?" My sister walked into my room and had caused me to jump a tad. "Someone's at the door." I fiddled with my fingers and nodded my head, "I'll be down in a minute." When she had left the room, I ran to the bathroom trying to hide my evidence before anyone found. But that was too late. "You're pregnant." James had stood there in disappointment, I looked down not knowing what to say because I haven't even seen the results. "And it's Nate's?" Not answering, he threw the stick in the trash and walked right past me not saying another word. I had took it out of the trash and looked at the results. "No." I covered my mouth and lightly started crying.

Conversation w/ Grayson

Skye: I took a test.
Gray: Oh God.
Gray: What were the results?

Gray: How are you going to tell him? It has to be before the wedding Skye

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Gray: How are you going to tell him? It has to be before the wedding Skye.
Skye: What if everything changes? He wont want me. He's going to leave like my parents did once they found out they couldn't support three children.
Gray: He loves you Skye. Why would he leave? Theres no other guy in this would that would be more excited to raise a kid with you.
Gray: Don't hold up on walking to long. You're what? Two weeks pregnant? He's gonna notice sooner or later.
Gray: And if he decides to leave, you got your Aunt and Uncle, me and my family. You have a lot of support Skye. Now you just need his.
Skye: James is mad at me
Gray: For what?
Skye: He found the test.
Gray: Did you tell him?
Skye: No!
Skye: Why would I? To make matters worse?
Gray: You're gonna have to sit down with them soon. Lydia is going to catch on if he just stops coming around.
Skye: ugh... Fine
Skye: I'll do it... sometime this week. I need a day or two to process this.
Gray: It's fine Skye. If it helps, I'll help break the news.
Skye: Thanks Gray

I hid all the evidence of having any pregnancy test. Before anyone else can find them. My Aunt and Uncle are over to take the kids for the weekend, since they are going out on a little vacation. Which just so happened to be great timing, since this was just thrown at me. By myself. "Did you tell Skye bye?" My Aunt told Lydia, after she had picked her up and latched onto her neck. She shook her head and gave me a smile. "Come her mamas." I took her from my Aunt and held her right. Kissing her cheek and giving her raspberries, making her scream and laugh. "I'll see you on Monday. Love you." She kissed my cheek before wanting to be handed back to my Aunt. And James was ready to go. Not even bothering to say anything else to me before leaving. "Well, Skylar. We'll have them back by Monday night. Don't stress too much." I smiled then had walked them out, watching pile up the car and drive off.

Conversation w/ Nate

Skye: So can you explain to me why you didn't come down this week?
Skye: You said that you were coming and never even showed up.
Skye: Okay, let's be highschoolers and leave me on read. Cause that's fun.
Skye: Nate, I'm serious. We need to talk about stuff and you're not even answering my text or calls.
4 miss calls Skye
Skye: Did I do something that you're ignoring me?
Skye: Sorry we left off on a bad note but I apologized. And you said you forgave me.
Skye: Does this relationship mean anything to you. Or was your plan just to make Ethan jealous the whole time?
Skye: Just to have you know, Ethan doesn't talk to me because you threatened him. So thanks for that.
Nate: How is Ethan not talking to you my fault? We're engaged about to get married in two weeks. And he knows that.
Skye: He's my bestfriend Nate. I don't do that to you and your best girlfriend.
Nate: Well, I'm not all over her like he is to you. And it's disgusting that you allowed him too.
Skye: We were wrestling! Wtf do you want me to do? Tell him No because I'm engaged.
Skye: Sorry to break it to you Nate but I'm not going to lose my bestfriend just because I'm getting married. Nor change how things are, we wrestle. We have fun together. I have two more weeks of freedom, why can't you understand that?
Nate: If you call him touching your ass, and always wanting to touch you is 'wrestling' then theres something wrong here.
Nate: That's like saying I was wrestling with Mackenzie last night.
Skye: WE WERE WRESTLING! You were there.
Skye: Wait... You did what?
Nate: Oh my God, of course you're gonna turn this on me.
Nate: It was an example Skye. It didn't happen. Mackenzie is in a five year relationship. And pregnant. Calm down.
Skye: I can't with you Nate. Leave me alone.
Nate: Fine, breathe for a minute. Text me when you calm down. I love you

Conversation w/ Ethan and Gray

Ethan: How is she?
Gray: She's fine.
Ethan: Good, I feel bad for causing the arugment between her and him before he went back home.
Gray: Why? You guy are always messing around like that. He should understand that.
Ethan: No, I should understand that she's engaged and moving on with her life. She's not 16 anymore. We can't just wrestle in the livingroom whenever we want.
Gray: Why are you blaming yourself for something you guys always do
Ethan: Because she married Grayson. She's not mine anymore.
Ethan: The girl that I've been in love with for as long as I remember. I have to respect her relationship with him. Our friendship is just a friendship now. Nothing more, nothing less.
Gray: Well, maybe you can change that.
Ethan: Wdym?
Gray: Talk to her. She's alone the whole weekend and Nate never flew out. Maybe you can finally tell her your feelings?
Ethan: No!
Ethan: I don't want any odd feelings to ruin something that she's been waiting for her entire life. She deserves to be happy, even if it's not with me.

Conversation w/ Ethan

Skye: We need to talk.

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