Accidents Happen

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Ever since you were little you feared motorcycles. Since your Dad had passed away due to a motorcycle accident. So you had always stayed away and made sure to drive extra careful when on the highway or just regular streets. Now that you have this 'badass' boyfriend, who loves to scare the shit out of you everytime he goes and rides. Again, you fear that you're gonna get a phone call and receive bad news.


"Where's Ethan?" Just so happened to be the first thing that came out of my mouth when I went over to the boys house. I put down my bag and sat on Ethan's bed, picking up my phone to text him. "He went on a quick ride." Gray had said, walking out of the closet, pulling down his shirt and adjusting his hair. Biting on my lip at this point. Since Ethan is always safe when riding, stress is somewhat lifted off my shoulders. "Well I'm starving, E can just meet us there." I nodded my head, just wanting to eat something at this point.

Heading out to the pizza parlor, there was traffic on the road. It was moving pretty quickly. Being nosy, Grayson had drove slowly by and we both broke our necks, wanting to see what happened. "Oh my God. It was a motorcycle accident." My heart started to race just thinking about it. Trying to keep something bad happening to Ethan out of my thoughts and hoped that whoever it happened to is completely okay and nothing severe happened. "Nat it's fine." Grayson put his hand on mine and squeezed a little to reassure. "That's not his bike." I let out a breath and nodded my head, squeezing his hand before letting go. Wiping my sweaty hands against my jeans and taking deep breaths, trying to clear my mind.

We had sat down and ordered our pizza, waiting for Ethan to come and join us. But we couldn't wait five minutes after the pizza had came. And picking the pineapple off just wasn't cutting it. So we ate a slice of two. "There's a lot of ambulance out today." Grayson mentioned as one quickly drove by, having everyone on the road pull off to the side. It was like a bad nightmare or something because this was the third one we saw today.

Having a good ass meal Grayson had got a phone call from his Mom. Minding my own business, I picked up my phone and tried to do something with my life while he was taking the call. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Okay love you, bye." He picked up one more slice of pizza and was literally running out of the place. It took a minute before it clicked and I was following right behind him. "What happened?" I asked but he ignored me. Driving fast down the roads, in and out of traffic, I was getting scared. "Grayson slow down." I said as he just ran a red light, just barely dodging a car that had almost hit us. My heart was racing and I was praying that nothing happens because his reckless driving. He pulled up to the hospital and I was so confused, he still didn't tell me what was going on, just basically made me follow him as he sped walked through the parking lot and into the hospital.

"Is everything okay?" He asked his Mom who looked like she had just finished crying. Their Dad had came in soon after we did, hugging Lisa. Still not knowing what was going on, we had sat down and they all were worried and I was just sitting there not knowing what the fuck was going on. "Dolan!" The nurse said and they all had went over. I stayed sitting down, chewing on my thumb nail. Grayson had came back and sat right next to me. "Ethan got into a motorcycle accident." My stomach dropped. I honestly couldn't believe it. Not knowing how to act or what to say, I sat back in my seat and tried to process what had just been told to me. "He got in a what?" Just to make sure that it wasn't what I thought he said, I asked again. "Nat, he's fine. Everything is gonna be okay." I panicked. Immediately started crying when I started thinking of the worse that could possibly happen to him.

Waiting about thirty minutes, they had called back family only.

Grayson's POV

I was finally able to breathe when Ethan looked completely fine besides a couple cuts and bruises on his body. But he just looked sad, my Mom had gently gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. As well as my Dad. Keeping calm, I had gave him a long hug and almost cried. "Does Nat know?" He asked and I was almost scared to answer that question. Almost as scared as telling her he got in the accident. "She's in the waiting room." Stressing out, he lended back and let out a heavy sigh. "Can she come in?" My Mom had quickly shut that down before I told him that the doctor said it was just family only. "She doesn't need to be here. Don't know why Gray brought her." Oh yeah, my Mom isn't a big fan of Nat. She thinks that she's only with Ethan for everything he has. But she hasn't even bother to sit down and have a serious conversation with her. "Mom, just drop it already." Ethan had weakly said, honestly fed up with her shit talking on Nat.

Ethan had just finally dropped the bomb and wanted her to finally understand why he loves Nat and why he's with her. My Dad and I just stood back and watched it like some reality tv show. It really went down.
Which ended with my Mom and Dad leaving because she couldn't handle that Ethan wanted Nat here. And I was almost with Ethan on this part.
"Gray can you please just go get her?" Not wanting any drama, I went out and got Nat, who was still in shocked about everything. And I wouldn't be surprised if Mom told her something. "Why did your Mom just say sorry to me?" I'm really not surprised. Explaining to her on the walk back to the room.

"Oh my God Ethan." She ran up and hugged him, not bothering to even be gentle. But it was obviously something he was able to handle because he hugged her tighter than she was hugging him. "You fucking scared me." Hearing the hurt in her voice had a huge affect on Ethan. It wasn't that hard to tell. "I'm sorry." Feeling a bit awkward, I sat on the chair in the corner of the room and went on my phone, trying not to feel single as fuck.

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