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Living your life online, your boyfriend of many years, Grayson, had had no problem with having viewers of your guys daily life. In your early twenties and living on your guys own, many things cross your mind everyday. You just never had thought that it wouldn't happen in a million years. The one time you and Gray decide to go out and have a free day, just the two of you, your nightmares happen.


Very tired and upset, I refused to get out of the car to get something to eat with Gray. He was starving from the long day we spent out and the hour and a half drive home. Just wanting too sleep, I kept my feet up on the seat and wrapped up in his jacket. Too tired to deal with me, he left the car on as he quickly ran inside, grabbing food. Coming back out, he got in the car and placed the food on the console. Before I was able to ask, he answered my question. "Yes, I got you fries. Only because I don't want to hear you complain." Softly socking him in the arm, not having his sarcastic ass tonight.

The next thirty minutes had went by fairly fast. We pulled into our driveway, ready to go inside, get showered and go to sleep. Grayson had led the way inside as I walked in right behind him, after grabbing all our stuff from today. Not being able to walk inside the house full, baring making it into the kitchen- Grayson kicked me out of the house. "Spence, go outside and call the police." Not picking up what he was saying, I put down all the stuff. "Go!" He yelled, forcing me out of the house as he ran upstairs yelling. My heart started to race and my fingers struggled to type the two simple numbers, "911". When they had picked up I didn't know what to say.

A few minutes later, Grayson had came out of the house as the police showed up. I was sitting on the curb with my knees to my chest, not wanting to even think about this ever happening to us.

Our neighbor, who is an ex detective came over with his dog. Letting him rome the house as he went in with the police. Grayson was on his feet the whole time, not wanting to sit down. Soon his sister had came, being that she was the closest who lived by us. Getting the chance to search the house with us. Going in and out of the rooms, looking for things they took. Completely forgetting about our room. "Is anything missing?" He came up and asked as I looked through things, I shook my head, not really minding the small things. But then it hit me. I ran into the bathroom and saw they had everything scattered, least on my worries. "Grayson! My ring is missing." I started looking through stuff, opening and closing cabinets. Thinking that I had accidentally missed placed it. "My ring is gone." I broke down and started crying, not caring about anything else.

Cameron had came to comfort me, knowing how much that ring meant to me. I had sat in the floor, just thinking that this isn't actually happening to us. Our house is completely fine, nothing was touched or looked through, my grandmother's/mother's ring is still where it remains everyday.

The police had asked a few questions and started figure everything out. Grayson wanted to make it known that our house was broken into and robbed. Finding a knife just sitting on the floor in the nursery. I didn't feel safe no longer in my own resting place. It had been ransacked and exposed. It was no longer feeling like home.

Grayson's POV

I didn't want Spencer to have to be in such an environment that didn't feel safe to her anymore. So taking that, I had asked my sister if it was fine if we can just stay at her place for tonight. Already knowing that she would agreed. Holding her for a quick minute before sending her off, not knowing what can happen within the ten minute drive down to Cameron's house. She rested her head on my chest as I answered a few questions for the police. "For the next few days, we'll send out a watch crew during the night. And the first few when you guys decide to come back home." I nodded my head, massaging Spencer's head with my hand, trying to understand basic information. "I'll be there soon. Goodnight, I love you babe." I pecked her lips then kissed the top off her head. "I love you too." She squeezed me once more before going off with my sister.

A few of my friends and my brother had came as we looked through entire again, waiting for someone to board up the window and door that they had broke. Going through the room and just looking at the mess they made. I felt like complete shit. "Did they take anything valuable?" Ethan asked as we looked through every inch of my room. "Spencer's ring." Knowing how much value that had meant to her, he shook his head. Bummed out also.
That ring was her Grandmother's who past it down to her Mom. And early on, before Spencer was two, her Mom had past away because of cancer. It rarely leaves her finger or the jewelry box. And today just happens to be on of those rare days.

"They fucking stole my babies shit, someone is gonna pay." I shouted, going through the nursery and finding that a couple things that my Mom had given us was missing. Such as; a fairly expensive necklace and earrings. Everything else they didn't bother to even look through. This had upset me. Out of everything they could've took, they took the most valuable things to us. "Who ever did this, I hope karma bites them in the ass." My close friend had said, picking up the stuffed animals that were thrown on the floor. "They're just lucky I wasn't home, I fucking swear." I hit the wall. Pissed off, not knowing how to handle it.

Heading over to Cameron's, Ethan followed right behind. Just wanting to know that I would get there safely and nothing happen.

Spencer was sitting the bed, staring at the floor with her arms cross her chest. Shakin up about the whole situation. I grabbed my bag on the floor and kicked off my shoes. Just before I had got on the bed, she embraced me into a hug and held on for a minute or two. "I'm just happy you're safe." Her warm tears had hit my bare skin. I rubbed my hand up and down her back, wanting to comfort her the best of my ability.

My body wasn't allowing me too sleep. I was scared and just wanted to protect my family. My mind was everywhere, too active to even let me sleep. Spencer had fallen, holding me closer than she's ever have before. And having her this close had made me feel like I was protecting her. Making her feel safe.

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