Twin Switch

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Ethan and Grayson are filming a very out of the ordinary video, for you at least. Not being in the know and having a very busy lifestyle, such as the boys. Seeing silly snapchats and Instagram stories on the uber ride home, you couldn't wait to see them after two weeks of being out in San Francisco for some meeting with YouTube headquarters. Along with, Grayson's girlfriend, Jada.


Coming home around 12 at night after a long day in traffic and having to talk to the uber driver. "ETHAN!" I called out, leaving the front door open behind me, waiting for Jada to walk in. "Wait?" His voice had came from down the hall, sounding very tired. Which was a bit off because it was still a little bit early for his taste. Walking into the room and the red lights were on and the computer off. "Wow, you're not playing fortnite for once?" I put my suitcase in the corner of the room and just as I was about to do my "haven't seen you in forever" kiss, Grayson popped out from the covers. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed, laughing my ass off running out of the room and bumping into Jada and holding onto her tight. "Where's Ethan!" I asked, still laughing and crying a tad bit.
They had both came out of the opposite rooms and gave us the weird look as if we were the ones who had something going on here. "Oh God." Grayson covered his mouth and Ethan had did the same. "This is worse than the toothbrush."

Getting filmed in on their newest video, we didn't agree to this. It was going to be weird and awkward for everyone here. "I'm not sleeping in the same bed as your brother." with your brother!" Jada had tried to explain to Grayson, who wasn't listening to anything that we were saying. But it wasn't a huge surprise. They never listen to us or how we feel about these types of videos. "We're twins!" "And what's wrong with me." Ethan asked and I patted his thigh, not having to say any other words. "There's a lot wrong with you Ethan, babe."

Having to be forced to go along with this stupid video idea, there we go. Getting ready for bed and spending some time before going to sleep. "So is this what Ethan actually does before bed?" Gray asked. I was facing the other way, trying to avoid the annoying computer light. "Yes. And what's even better is that he screams and cusses at his computer everytime he fucks up." Feeling bad for me, he turned off the computer and crawled into bed and went on his phone. "So what do you and Ethan do at night." I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to gross or creep him out. "He plays fortnite and I sleep. After hearing him bitch and complain about how I don't stay up long enough or just hang out with him during the day. But he ignores my text messages asking if he wants to go out. Just so I can come home to find him playing fortnite."

The next morning

"Babe, I'm bored." Ethan called my phone around 9 in the morning. Not saying anything, I held the phone up to my ear and stayed quiet. Giving the wall a dirty look before hanging up on him and going back to sleep.
Feeling like I had only been asleep for a few minutes, the rock solid pillow we both refuse to sleep with hit me in the face. "Grayson." I sat there and stared as he abused his brother, wanting to wake him up. Not enjoying it one bit or even caring that this was happening at all. "Morning." I gave Ethan a dirty just before he came and gave me a kiss. "You're annoying." I got out of bed and grabbed clothes from the closet to shower.

Not knowing what to do with this boring ass day of switching life with Grayson. I was just laying down waiting, scrolling through my phone and trying to figure where the fuck I went wrong with choosing which twin that I was going to spend a whole three years with and spend two of those three year living in California with. "Mags!" Ethan yelled, finally saying me from the hell of a boring day. Escaping from the boring ass conversation with my thoughts, I walked over to the kitchen where Ethan was doing dishes... sorta. He was more like pouring water onto the, letting it fill up then dumping it out. As if California isn't in a drought. "Can you..." He smiled really big followed by a disgusting face. Bracing myself, "Go to the store with me?" Wipping the sweat off my forehead, I agreed and went to put sandals on.

Roaming around the store and looking for whatever the fuck Ethan was going to make for dinner. I was pulling on the end of the shopping cart, probably looking like a complete mom. "I should've dated Gray." I dragged my hands over my face, embarrassed of how stupid Ethan is when it comes to grocery shopping. "Well sorry. I don't go shopping everyday like you and Gray. Now shut up and help me find the pizza sauce."
Letting him cry and complain in each and every aisle we walked down, while I just kept my face down, looking at my phone screen. Being like a little kid, he deadass had a full on fit. Having old people look at this grown ass man acting like an old person. "Babe! Shut up." I covered his mouth laughing as he licked my hand as if it was the greatest taste in the world. "Ethan, stop. It's annoying."

Finding everything we needed, Ethan wanted to make conversation and telling almost every guy we passed by that I was his sister and single. "Mags, I got you a date tomorrow night. Here." He handed me his phone, showing me the guy along with his number. "Sorry. I'm taken. I'm dating my brother." We checked out and headed back home, pissed off and tired.

The day was going by faster and I was completely over it. Grayson and Jada had such a relaxing day. Even though they didn't do squat shit, at least Grayson didn't get her a date and convinced the entire grocery story that we were brother and sister. I've never felt so disgusted in my entire life when he started saying that.
So the moment they switched shirts and earrings, I was beyond happy. Not so much Jada, she got a Grayson, just a lazier vision.

Ethan crawled on the bed after he got out of the shower, reaching for the pillow and started softly hitting me with it. "Now you can sleep naked." He made fun of me as I got out of bed and took off my shorts and sports bra. "Who's saying I didn't. Maybe I fucked your twin brother." I got back on the bed and started getting comfortable. "Who knows. Thing's get really crazy when lights are off and you're dating your brother." I cuddled up with him, leaving him completely clueless. "You had sex with Gray?"


I thinking of making a series with these names, alongside with the boys. But Idk. May not.

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