Hook up

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You had went to your first highschool party, being a junior it was kinda embarrassing that one once have you dont any of these things that everyone else does. But you decided to take a shot at it. People were friendly when you had a couple of drinks, especially the guys. Just one guy just had his eyes locked on you all night. Ethan Dolan. The schools player. Coming to the end of the night, you went home with him and he took your virginity. Not your proudest moment but it was a one time thing and neither one of you wanted anything out of it. Until it happened again.


Hallie: I told you not you leave anything noticable
Hallie: look what you did.

Ethan: Damn

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Ethan: Damn. Have to claim what is mine.
Hallie: I'm not yours. It was just a hookup. Nothing more nothing else.
Ethan: So you're saying that not once did you think about us being together. Cause I think about it all the time.
Ethan: Just imagine how freaky we can get.
Hallie: No. Because i believe in actual love and not lust. We fucked twice out of an mistake and that's it.
Hallie: Nothing more nothing less.
Hallie: And I'm talking to someone. So you're out of the equation.
Ethan: wtf? Who? You never told me!
Hallie: Because that's none of your business. Just like you didn't tell me about Megan.
Ethan: Well that wasn't any of your business of who I'm hooking up with.
Hallie: My point exactly.
Ethan: Why don't we just try it?
Ethan: Me and You.
Hallie: And get called a slut 24/7 no thank you.
Ethan: Oh come on. I'll make sure that doesn't happen.
Hallie: I don't even know you Ethan.
Ethan: Likewise.
Hallie: Then what's your plan.
Ethan: No plan. I want this to work. So let's just get to know eachother and start all over.
Hallie: Fine, when?
Ethan: Tomorrow. At school.
Hallie: No. That's risky. Especially with visibly hickeys on my neck.
Ethan: Cover them up.
Hallie: With what? I don't wear make up.
Ethan: Put a frozen spoon on it. It'll hurt at first but trust me. They'll be pretty much gone. We didn't hook up just a few days ago and they still look fresh.
Hallie: And how many times have this worked for you.
Ethan: I don't get hickeys. Nobody is claiming my ass.
Ethan: Unless you wanna change things.
Hallie: Bet.
Ethan: I'll see you tomorrow at school.

The Next Day

Ethan: okay, why tf werent you at school? You didn't even show up to class.
Hallie: I had an IB meeting and to tutor a freshmen. Sorry.
Ethan: Okay, that doesn't explain you not coming to class.
Hallie: I went home early.
Ethan: Okay, fair.
Ethan: How bout I just come over and we can talk.
Hallie: I'm babysitting right now.
Ethan: What's with these excuses? All I want to do is to get to know you and you're blowing me off.
Hallie: Ethan, I like you. Youre a sweet kid but maybe this isnt a good idea.
Hallie: You care too much about what people think. What if this actually works out and someone questions about you even having the smallest interest in me. You already know how your group of friends are. So why are you still trying?
Ethan: Then give me a chance if you like me. We obviously have mutual feelings for eachother. Why are you making it so difficult.
Hallie: Fine! Fuck.
Hallie: Come over tonight. But don't be stupid or loud. Please.
Ethan: Oh.. well that's gonna be a problem.
Hallie: How so?
Ethan: You know how.
Hallie: Cancelled. Don't come over. I'm busy
Ethan: Okay fine. No noise, don't be stupid. I get it.
Ethan: I'll be over around 9. Because my practices usually run late on Fridays.
Hallie: That's fine. Just shoot me a text before you show up please.
Ethan: Kay, I'll see you then.

After Practice

Hallie: Are you almost here?
Ethan: Yeah, I just had to go home and shower real quick.
Ethan: Sorry am I running late?
Hallie: No, you're fine. There's just a creep guy hanging on in my front yard. Thought you were here.
Ethan: What do you mean creepy guy?
Ethan: I'm down the street. Lock all the doors and windows.
Hallie: E, it's not that serious.
Ethan: I want you safe. So do it 
Hallie: Fine.
Hallie: Ethan stop fucking with me and come inside already.
Ethan: I just pulled in. There's no one in the front.
Hallie: Well there was someone there. Just hurry and come inside.
Ethan: I'm coming in.

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