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You and Grayson had gotten pregnant when you were just 19. Going into your early 20s things weren't going as the both of you planned. Married at 21 and divcored at 23 have. You're 25 and your son is just turning five and Grayson has been in and out of your guys life due to the fact that he's trying to fix our relationship and fix himself. And because of this, he misses out of his sons life a lot more than he intends too.


For the past two weeks Grayson has been staying at my house. Since he broke up with his girlfriend about two months ago and finally decided to move out of his parents house. Being a good ex wife, I had took him in. With boundaries. Which he didn't like but if he wants to stay, he has to follow. "Go wake up daddy." I whispered to Jace. He nodded his head and slowly ran downstairs into his Dad's room. I walked behind him, watching him crawl into Grayson's bed. Jumping up and down, he jumped on his back and started shaking him. "Dad wake up!" He yelled, and he still wasn't waking up. I had started to get worried when he wasn't even moving to slightest. "Grayson." I called from the door, thinking he was just trying to be funny. "Jace, came here." He quickly got off the bed and stood behind my legs. Not moving or his chest going up and down, I was scared. "Gray." I shook him, trying to wake him up but it wasn't working. Calling his name several time but nothing.

Not knowing what to do, I called 911 then Ethan. Within a few minutes, he was at the house, trying to wake up his brother; still nothing. "Babe, please get up." I mumbled, placing my hand over his chest to feel his heart beat.

The ambulance and showed up and brought out the stretchers. My heart dropped as they put him in the back of the truck. "Where's Daddy going?" Jace has came outside, not understanding what was going on in general. "On a car ride, let's get you dress so we can see him." Ethan had took control, as I couldn't. Still in shocked that he didn't wake up this morning; just don't want to lose him. I followed them inside. Getting showered and dress, we headed down to the hospital.

"What if he doesn't wake up?" I asked Ethan as we sat in the waiting chairs, wanting their to be news on the person we love. "He will Layla. I know he will."

Hours on hours had past. Ethan had took Jace to his Mom's house after getting something to eat the first couple of hours. Around 8pm, I was still sitting in the waiting room. "Dolan." One of the nurses had finally came out and had given some news. Just nothing that I wanted. "He's unresponsive, we had to connect him to breathing machines and took several blood samples from him. We just need to ask a few questions." I shook my head, doing everything that they need just to make sure Grayson wakes up and is okay. "Okay. Mrs.Dolan we recommend that you go home and get some rest." I shook my head. "He's my everything! I'm not leaving." I rose my voice, getting everyone's attentions.

Ethan had came back, spending the night in the hospital waitingroom with me. I rested my head on his shoulder. Not giving up on Grayson one bit.

"Dolan?" A different nurse had called. Waking up from being half asleep, I got up and walked over towards him. He was wearing light blue scrubs and a creepy smile. "Ma'am, we want to know when we are allowed to cut off services for your husband." My knees became weak and no longer could hold my weight. I fell to the floor and started crying, wanting to believe that all of this was just a joke. They ran the news by Ethan as he came and tried to help me up off the floor. "My baby isn't going to have a Dad. No one to look up too." I cried, holding onto Ethan. "No, he's not gone. He's not gone. He's still here Layla. He's not leaving you yet."

14 years later

Jace's POV

"Your Dad would be so proud." My Mom had said as she fixed my tie, getting ready to drop me off for graduation. Her eyes becam glossy talking about my Dad. It's been 14 years since he past away and she still is completely in love with him. Goes and sees him when she gets the time off work. "Daaanng! My nephew is going to get all the ladies." My Uncle Ethan, Dad's brother had came from California just for my graduation. "Oh, speaking of ladies. Have you met my girlfriend?" I asked before going out to the backyard to pull her away from taking pictures. "Babe, come meet my uncle." She came running, holding her cap on her head. "Hi, I'm Kayla." She shook Ethan's hand, staring at him a lot longer than comfortable. "You guys are literally twins." Uncle Ethan had laughed, nodding his head. "His dad and I are twins. The good looks just get past down."

My Mom and Uncle Ethan were sitting in the stands cheering for almost all my friends who had went up before me. I laughed, "Jace Bailey Dolan." My counselor said into the mic as I walked across the stage, getting my diploma. Seeing my Mom cheer and start crying my eyes teared up, seeing my Dad standing right next to her, smiling. Pausing on the middle of the stage, they had to pull me off. My Dad laughed, "I'm proud of you." Almost in my ear, he whispered. I broke.

Instead of going out to eat, I made Kayla drive me to the cemetery. Not asking any questions, I told her to drive to the other side. Getting off and walking to the middle of the field to my Dad's head stone. In almost seconds my tears started to fall on his head stone. "I saw you today. I knew you never left. Always here to watch over us, me, Mom. She still loves you, you know. Talks about you every chance she gets. It's funny actually." I laughed at my own comment. "Hope you're proud. I did this for you." Hanging out with my Dad's grave for a minute, the workers had told me I had to get going. "Just one little secret, don't tell Mom though. We're waiting for the right time but..." I got nervous telling my Dad the biggest secret I've been hiding from Mom. "Kayla is pregnant. About two months. But I promise you I won't bitch out. She means the world to me. Just like Mom to you. I want to marry her." I pulled a little black velvet box out of my pocket. "Live savings right here." I flashed the ring at him. "Hey buddy, we don't want to call the police, beat it." The guy had yelled, I nodded my head, saying my last few words for the night. "I'll see you soon. Love you." The wind started to blow and his voice had echoed threw the wind, "Love you too bup."

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