Most Nights

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A/n: Aye yo, so like it's 1:40 in the morning and idk why I am even up. But I feel like for some reason this chapter doesn't need an opening. I rewrote it several times knowing which way I wanted to take it but didn't know exactly how or which direction it would go. It took me almost five hours to write less than 900 words for this chapter alone. I'm lowkey proud of how it came out and hope you enjoy it.


Grayson's POV

Putting the ball on hold as our game was interrupted, we had all whined and complained as the girls took their time to go walking inside. "Aye! Come play with us. Make the game interesting." Amirah had stopped right before going inside, "Are you willing to lose?" She asked, challenging me once again in something that she knows she will kick my ass in. Rah, played varsity all four years of highschool and was offered to play in college. So by interesting I mean, bet my ass then we can makeout over it later. "Loser makes breakfast and dinner for the whole week." She gave me a thumbs before walking inside, taking on the challenge. "She was bomb. Great body too. You guys got to hook me up. I haven't done anything in almost a month." Dev, the fuckboy out of our entire group, had said, after already getting his ass beat for drunk flirting and snapping his small penis to her. Last weekend.

The girls finally had changed out of their jeans and tops, into something that I had never thought belonged in their wardrobe, basketball shorts and a regular tee. "Don't get too excited. You're wearing gym shorts." Sliding her hand right up my thigh, I was just going to grab her and show her how it is but there are people around. And it would be inappropriate. "Okay, let's sort out into teams." Rah shouted, getting everybody to pay attention and listen up so we can start playing sooner than later.

Getting a intense game going, it was the first time to 20 was declared the winner for tonight. And as of right now, my team was in the lead. 4-2. E and Rah were hand in hand on this game, being their main point guards but since it was a group effort, they would once in awhile allow the other players to play.
Calling out the fouls, we had only made the game go a lot longer. Making a minor game go into half time, it was ridiculous. Running inside and grabbing a water, I took a sip and then gave some to Rah. "Enjoying playing again?" I asked and she nodded her head yes, taking a sip of water. "In pain but yes." I smiled at her, enjoying that she was having fun after being out for almost two seasons due to her knee. Letting her rest her head, I held her and swayed back and forth, waiting on them to start the game again.

Once started back up, we quickly ended the game, due to the fact that Ethan and Rah both managed to injury themselves within two minutes apart from eachother. So we just had to retire this game and plan on the second one.
After ending the game, we ordered pizza and Dev took this time to try and score a date with Amirah. She was icing her knee and going through the pain when he came up and asked if she would to go and home and have him take care of her. "Dude, you could've told me she had a boyfriend." Dev has came running to me and Ethan after she dropped the bomb on him. Embarrassed and completely shot down, I added on to it. "And the best part is, that's my girl." His face had turned completely red, shoving and yelling at me for even letting him get that far with my own girlfriend. "On the bright side, Kenna is single. And she's gorgeous." Trying to hype him back up, Ken had walked into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. "No, I'm not." Making this night even better.

"My baby really pulled out the basketball shorts tonight." With a mouthful of foam from brushing her teeth, she had held one arm over her chest and walked out of the bathroom to hear what I had to say. "They were yours." She mumbled through the foam, giving me a smile as she walked into the bathroom to spit. "But thank you." Finishing up her night routine as the beauty guru say, she had went and shut the door, turning off the lights as well. Laying up right next to me, I scrolled through my phone trying to find something other than survival videos to get us through the night. Entertainment had came right in just as I was about to put something on. "Look who came to visit." Our old friend Cameron had popped in because he had just been in the area. "Hi babe. How have you been?" Rah had got up and gave him a hug, ruining our cuddle session.

Talking it up for the rest of the night my room had turned into the party room at 2 in the morning. Everyone was in here just bonding and catching  up. It was a good night to remember. Getting back on the bed and sitting up against me, Rah had noticed that I had a blank expression on my face. "You okay?" Whispering, I nodded my head but had stayed quiet. "Are you sure?" Laughing a little, I once again nodded my head. "Yes, I'm fine. Just living in the moment." She gave me a wide smile before giving me a hug, "I love you." She had pulled away and said, wanting to see my facial expression as she had said it for the first time. In complete shock, I didn't know how to react to this. My girlfriend of two years has officially said I love you, sincerely. It was insane to me. Pulling her into a kiss, I held her close. "I love you too."

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