Mafia Game Round. 1

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"Okay, lets play a game." You yelled, holding a deck of cards in your hands, pulling out only center ones. Everyone gathered around in the living room. A couple of friends, your oldest brother and of course, your bestfriends Ethan and Grayson. They all found their seats and got comfortable. With a little smirk on your face, you cleared your throat waiting for everyone to settle down and listen. "This better not be some stupid goldfish game." Your brother said. You rolled your eyes, "Thank God it isn't, something better." You gaved all the ace cards and held them up. "Four normal people, civilians." They shook their heads, confused on where this game was going. "King and Queen. Cop and nurse." You put the cards down. "Mafia, Joker." You began to explain the rules, grabbing everyones attention. "The name of the game is Mafia, Mafia name of the game. Four each round there is, Manfia will kill one person. And the Nurse." You held up the queen card, "Has the power to heal that person. so whoever gets this cards, choose wisely." You went on. "King and or Cop can arrest the Mafia if choosen the right person." Holding up the last card, the joker. "Mafia, don't make it obvious that it is you."

You shuffled the seven cards in your hands, passing them out amoung the seven people. "As for me, I'm the narrator. So listen closely."

"Seven friends go out exploring one night. Woods to be exact. Finding that there was not much to find and fastly unpacked their supplies they brought and quickly fell asleep. Everyone close your eyes." Waiting for everyone to do so, you waited for the real excitement. "Mafia open your eyes and chose a victim." The person had opened their eyes and looked up at him, pointing to his friend Sladers. I smiled and nodded my head, "Mafia close your eyes. Can we have the cop now open theirs." You were quiet surprise to realize who it was. "Who would you like top arrest?" They had took a minute looking around at everyone not knowing who to chose.
Then pulled out this phone, typing a message. "No you fucking idiot!" You said, making everyone laugh. "If your the cop why would you arrest yourself?" They shrugged his shoulders, laughing along with the others trying not to out himself of being the cop. After he chose, it was te nurse turn to save someones life.

"The morning sun had quickly arose and everyone was now woken up and packing up their stuff to get their asses out of the woods and hurry home. But to find that the Mafia had dressed at a homeless person traveling the woods and killed Sladers." Everyone looked at him with mouths wide open. Beefore leaving the games with did the last part of the vote. "Now, we're gonna vote on who the mafia is. And everyone only gets one vote. Starting from my brother." You said.
Without even think three people had rose their hands, including Ethan and Grayson. "Dude, you are the only one who would kill Sladers." Ethan had said. "Well since that is the majority, Justin, show them your card."
He looked at everyone and shook his head. "Killing a normal fucking person assholes." Evereyone went wild and the game was getting serious. "Okay, Sladers, Justin please step out of the game." They did so and it was left to; Gray, Ethan, Shelia, Karly, and Jake. "Shall the game go on?" You asked.

Vote and comment for the Mafia game to be continued. Next Round at 10 votes and 5 comments.

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