Starbucks & Headphones

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Starbucks & Headphones

Dan's POV

Ring-Ring, Ring-Ring, Ri-


Oh God. Work.

Now Starbucks isn't a bad place, I mean it's great (trust me I used to go there all the time) but it's just......boring.

Nothing ever happens! No interesting scenarios. Just wake, work, sleep. My daily routine, except for weekends, where it's wake, FOOD, sleep.

After taking a quick shower and staightening my hair, I left for the day, grabbing my keys and phone.

I hate January. No offence to January-lovers (whatever the fuck that is) but it's just too cold for my liking. I guess I hate the weather in January, but still. I just generally hate cold weather.

It makes your nose go all red, snot dribble down your face and then your hands work reeeeally slowly. See why I hate the cold?

After that 5 minute walk, I arrived to my destination. Starbucks. It was 9am so I wasn't really in a perky mood.

Current Mood =       :/

"Hey there Dan!" A blonde girl with her hair in a high bun says to me.

"Hey there Jaz, what's up?" I asked, not really interested, but just being friendly.

Jasmine is a co-worker of mine, but most of the time is the boss of this place, since the real boss has been really busy lately with his new born son, or whatever. It's better this way, since if I ever come late or mess up, I won't get into that much trouble, whereas my real boss would probably fire me.

"Nothin. Where's Joe?" She asked, tying her little apron onto her little body.

"He's gonna be a few minutes late, he texted me it. I think,"

"You think?"

"Don't ask,"

And she didn't. thankfully. She went to the door turning the closed sign to open.

Joe isn't a good texter. He isn't a good anything! Well, except for taking orders. Fast. But that's not why we hired him. He can make an Cappachino in up 1 or 2 minutes!

I take the orders. Whenever I take people's orders, I take in every detail about them. Trying to tell their whole life story just by their appearance, voice, or body language. Its fun, in a way. It keeps me occupied.

"Hey, family! Sorry I'm late!!" Joe greeted happily, bursting through the doors.

He's a bit shorter than me, and has ginger hair, a slight stubble and bags under his eyes. It was Monday, so he was probably out partying till late last night. The first time he met us all, he said "Hey! I'm Joe, youre co-worker! By the way, i'm gay :D"

We are accepting, and he's a great hit with the male and female customers with his good looks.

"Get to work," Jasmine instructed from behind the counter, writing something down.

"Whoah, but nobody's even here yet!" Joe protested.

"Yes, but they will be soon. And they will order the most popular drinks. That you need to make. Now, get to work," She repeated.


How long had it been. Probably an hour or two, when somthing interesting finally happened.

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