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Another Imagine with the Demon Spawn of Wayne's!

9Zio6TSIOX!! Here~

Request : Batmom x Damian
Relationship : Mother and son bonding.
Prompt :
"Damian and Batmom goes to grocery shopping. It's like...a bonding experience. Batmom gets hit on by a guy while Damian is at the candy aisle. When I say 'hit on' it's like nonstop harassment: always end up in the same aisles, small touches on her arms, etc. She's dead set in finishing shopping and going home. At the end Damian blows up at the man, he's like, "what kind of man hits on another person's mother!?" That's like the first time he acknowledged her as his mother."

Warning : There's some curse words.

"No, Alfred it's okay! I'll go grocery shopping." You insisted.

Alfred was sick, his face is so pale as if he was turned into a vampire. He got a fever, it wasn't that bad but still he got sick and need to rest. His voice was also sore besides he almost never got any chance to rest, staying up until late only to wait for Bruce or the boys to return just to patch them up.

You could do that too, but Alfred didn't want you to. Why? Because he said it was his job, he's a rebel.

But not today..

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