Chapter 1: Your Happily Ever After

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Damon's P.O.V.

"Sir, some teenage girl is looking for you.", my security informed me.

"And who is she?", I asked.

"She didn't introduce herself, but she said you'll know her, when you see her.", he explained.

I don't know many teenage girls, in fact I don't know any teenage girl.

"Let her in.", I didn't even know why I decided this.

I know I'm going to regret this, because maybe she was some crazy teenage girl, that is in love with me. But I guess I was just a little curious.

"As you wish.", he exited.

"You're more handsome, than I imagined you.", I'm already regretting it.

I definitely don't know this girl. I see her for the first time in my life.

"I just want you to know that you are asshole of character in book, but she somehow still loves you.", I was confused.

What does she talking about? Does she talking about Elena and how she knows about her?

"Anyway, I know how your story ends. I want to help you to change your miserable future."

"Uh...okay.", so she isn't crazy, she's actually insane. "And why do you want to change my future?", I furrowed my brow and turned to stare at the girl.

"In the end of the book your soulmate dies, and you'll find her dead.", she explained.

"Wait, what's going to happen to Elena?", I was worried.

"Not her, you asshole. The other girl."

"Excuse me? Do you know who I am little girl? And what other girl, are you talking about?"

"Yeah, the prince Salvatore, soon to be king.", she covered her mouth.

"What do you mean 'soon to be'? My father is still alive.", this girl drove me crazy.

"Sorry, but I can't tell you anything anymore, I already said enough.", she smiled. "But I can tell you this, I'm getting you your happily ever after.", she says and just in the blink of an eye, she disappeared.

Bonnie's P.O.V.

"Miss, one girl is looking for you.", my maid entered my bedroom.

"And who is she?", I asked.

"She didn't said her name, but she said you know her.", she explained.

I don't know many women, so I was really curious who she is.

"Let her in.", I decided.

"Are you sure?", she questioned me.

"Yes, I am.", I nodded.

But no, I wasn't sure. Maybe she was some maniac, that wants to kill me. But I was curious. I think my dad was right, my curiosity is going to be the end of me one day.

"As you wish, my lady."

"And, Leyla. Please, call me Bonnie.", I added.

I don't like when people call me miss, my lady, princess or anything like that. I'm just a human like everyone else and I think it's very stupid for them to call me like that. Even if I am princess, I'm not different from them at all.

"Oh my God, it is really you.", I heard female voice.

Blacked hair girl in front of me is probably 16 or 17 and I definitely didn't know her. I wanted to call security right away, but she stopped me with her words.

"I just want you to know that you are my favorite book character and I know how it ends. I want to help you change it."

"Wait, What?!", she gave me a book.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I began reading. "She woke up with a start from the dream.", my mind whirled back to this morning when I'd been ruthlessly awoken by that nightmare.

"What exactly are you changing?", I ask and she sighs.

"In the end of the book you die, and your soulmate finds you dead. I'm getting you your happily ever after.", she says and I gasp.


So, I know the chapter is kind of weird. This story is going to be weird, but that's what makes it great. And if you didn't figure out, yeah that's me in the story. I'm the girl that will get them, their happily ever after. I hope you like it, how the story began. And if you didn't, just please give a chance.

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