Chapter 5: It Hasn't Even Begun

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When we entered, all eyes were on us. I didn't realize we were holding hands. I could already see judgements in people's eyes.

After coronation, we talked with guests. Of course they didn't said anything, I think they couldn't because they were afraid of the king.

"Don't move. I'll be here in a second.", he said leaving.

I stood there waiting and then I heard some girls, saying mean things about me. And of course it was about my skin color. I sighed. They came up to me.

"You need to leave, The King. He doesn't want you.", one girl said.

"You...", the second one cut me off.

"You're nothing compared to him. You only want to be the queen. You don't want him. You're just using him."

"That's not...", the third girl cut me off.

"I rather have Blair back. You're worthless and you don't deserve the King.", they laughed.

I stood there hurt. I bit my lip not wanting to cry then I heard someone speak up. "Excuse me?", we all turned and saw Caroline standing there pissed.

"Who are you tell the Queen she's worthless? She's beyond perfect. Who are you tell my brother who he should date and not date? He loves her and that's final. Who gives a fuck about her skin color? You've gotta be kidding me. What's wrong with you people?!", just when I thought she finished, she continued. "So clearly you don't have a chance with king. Don't you ever tell her she's worthless. She isn't using him. She loves him and he loves her. Cased closed. Go judge someone else!", I couldn't stand there anymore, I walked away quickly to Damon's bedroom only to hear Caroline calling my name.

I stood by his bed wiping my tears.

"Bonnie. No.", she walked over to me and hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek repeatedly. "Bonnie, don't listen to them."

I shook my head and let more tears fall. "How could I not? I've been getting hate all my life and it's been for the same thing."

Caroline looked at me shocked "What? You've been getting hate for this and you didn't tell me?", I shrugged and looked down and continued to cry softly.

She hugged me tightly wrapping her arms around my neck as I cried into her chest.

"Shhh...They'll leave you alone and I'll make sure of it.", she said, walking towards door.

"Where are you going?", I asked.

"I have some business to finish. I'll be back in a second.", she smiled, exiting the bedroom.


"The King is calling you to come back on ceremony.", Caroline said, entering the room.

"I don't want to go there.", I said, lying on the bed.

"Just trust me, okay?", I nodded.

We came back, we were on the big balcony. As soon as Damon saw me, he said. "Take my hand."

"Why?", I asked confused.

"I'm trying to ask you to marry me, so take my damn hand!", he said annoyed.

I listened to him and took his hand. He started talking. "So, I heard some of you said some bad things about my queen, while I was absent.", Caroline probably told him. "But last time I checked, I know Bonnie and you don't. I don't care if you are royalty or not, I don't want anyone to support me if they can't support her. Why don't you just leave us alone? Because you don't know anything about her.", Damon gritted his teeth together.

"So, anyone want to say something to her?", everyone was quite. "Good. Now...", he kneeled. "Bonnie Sheila Bennett, will you marry me?"

I was silent. Do I really wanna do this? Do I really wanna spend life like this? I don't think so, but I don't think I have a choice.

"Yes.", I acted happy.

He put ring on my hand. "It's okay.", he said, wrapping his arms around me as I shook. "It's over now."

"No, it's not.", I whispered back. "It hasn't even begun."


The next chapter is their wedding. So what do you think it'll happen there? Will it all go smoothly or there are going to be drama?

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