Chapter 33: Able To Stop

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Damon's P.O.V.

Bonnie rubbed the sleep from her eyes in an attempt to wake herself up, but it really wasn't working. She put her head down on the table and groaned.

"Bonnie, did you get any sleep at all?", I sat down next to her.

She shook her head and ran her hand through her messy hair. She actually looked cute and I couldn't help, but stare at her as drifted off again.

"Morning.", Caroline said walking in all sweaty.

She opened the fridge and pulled out a water. "What's wrong with Bonnie?"

"She stood up all night again, watching shows again.", I sighed smiling down at her.

"Oh my god.", Caroline laughed.

I looked up at her. She was smiling so bright I could practically feel the mocking coming.

"SHUT UP!", I yelled.

Bonnie popped up and looked at me and Caroline.

"But I didn't say anything.", she played innocent.

"Don't care. Shut up."

"Are you two serious? I was sleeping.", she complained.

"Oh I'm sorry, but you aren't related to Caroline so you wouldn't know the trouble.", Bonnie chuckles at my comment.

"Caroline is like a sister to me and I'm not bothered by her.", she stretched out and stood up.

"Oh, so I'm not like a brother to you?", I asked pretending to be offended but really on the inside I was kind of grateful.

"Oh, come on Damon.", she smiled brightly at me. "I already know your little secret.", she hinted.

Caroline chuckled and left the kitchen for just the two of us.

"What do you mean secret?", I asked only half joking.

"I heard you and Caroline talking in front of the bedroom yesterday and I can put two and two together.", she laughed to herself.

"You heard that?", I sounded pathetically sad and desperate.

"Awww, were you not going to tell me?", she asked in a baby voice and pouted.

She looked so damn cute, especially since she was teasing me.

"I was, I-I just...", she giggled and walked over to me.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.", she planted a kiss on my cheek sending chills all over my body.

Sam's P.O.V.

"Sam, can I ask you a question?", Bonnie asked me.

"Sure.", I smiled at me.

"Did someone broke your heart before?", I looked at her confused.

Why she wants to know that?

"Yeah, one girl. But that was long time ago.", I answered.

"Did you love her?", she asked.

"Yes.", I nodded.

"Did she love you back?", she asked again.

"Sometimes.", I lowered my head, remembering her leaving.


She sat on the sofa, taking a deep breath in. She closed her eyes briefly, before opening them and staring straight into mine. "Sam, I...I think we should break up."

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