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The first yaoi anime I ever watched was "Gravitation" And I was thinking, Shuichi's last name is Shindo. I started watching that anime because I thought Shuichi was a female. But oh boy, did I soon realize.

Mika has practically locked me up in his room, which was actually irking me way more than it should. I don't like being forced in or out. Mika didn't really have any control over me. Who did he think he was?

But there's a small problem... you see, my head is filled with not only metaphorical demons, but also demons that are very very real. I've created contacts with so many for one purpose, to find out about what happened in my past.

So when Asuramaru tells me to forget about my past and focus on... freedom, I got really confused. I've tried calling him up while conscious, but somethings keeping him and the others in. Which means the only way to see him was to fall asleep.

Which left me in a dilemma. I needed to fall asleep to find out what was happening, but I could be potentially murdered in my sleep. Which wouldn't be a problem if anyone else was in the room. Anyone. It doesn't have to be him. I would actually prefer if it wasn't him.

But, I can admit how ingenious Jack's idea was. The buddy system really was helpful in these types of situations.

I looked to the door for a moment before realizing Mika wasn't coming back for a while. He was busy. After all, someone was just murdered.

My skin crawled as I tempered the way the man's body laid there almost like nothing had happened. He didn't look in pain, he didn't look horrified, his body wasn't even in an odd position. Reneè looked so peaceful. But that slash across his neck would tell another story.

I sighed in defeat, "I've lived a long 17 years, too long for my taste anyway." I mumbled.

I figured since I was sleeping here anyway, that prick wouldn't mind me going to sleep now, right?

I positioned my body under the covers and realized just how soft the bed actually was.

Oh my fūcking god. No wonder Mika has the confidence of a typical white bitch.

Falling asleep was unbelievably easy. It actually felt like being wrapped in a cloud. But, what I 'opened' my eyes to was Asuramaru standing on a katana. I've asked him about that before, apparently it's a lost artifact he's been tied to for generations. A long time ago, things like vampires existed, but people were capturing them and starving them until they became demons.

"What is going on?" I asked him, "I don't understand why you can't maintain your visual form."

"You're too stressed to focus on keeping me visual." He responded .

"Then why couldn't you stay in the car?" I asked.

"I guess, some divine force knew the worst type of stress was about to come over you, and didn't want your brain already half-fried...?" The demon guessed.

"Asura, I'm not even stressed. Maybe a little panicked and paranoid, but not stressed." I pointed out.

"Yet." He said looking me dead in the face.

"I don't get it." I said starting to think through things that could make me stressed, "I'm not around the telephone pole, so that's not it." I said.

"Yuu, think back further than them." The purple haired boy said.

"Do you know something I don't?" I asked.

"I know a lot of things you don't." Asuramaru said brushing off the question.

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