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I'm so tired of no one I know irl giving a single flying fuck about what I have to say. The human race is literally garbage.

Fūck. I shouldn't have said that! Where the hell is he?!

I wandered around looking for the raven haired boy I just fucked all my chances with.

It just had to be my chances I fucked- MIKA! This is not the time!

"Yuu-Chan." I called out, because he was totally gonna answer.... totally, "YUUICHIRO AMANE!" I slapped a hand over my mouth and rolled my eyes, "HYAKUYA!"

Wow, Hyakuya really does have a better ring to it than anything else.

I peaked my head into the kitchen and saw Yuu-Chan and Jack talking quietly, "Oh," I felt my mood brighten, "am I interrupting?"

Yuu-Chan looked at me, "Nope, we're not really talking about much, Jack just made me some food because you cook like a 4 year old with an easy bake oven."

I walked over to Jack, and in some very good code asked, "How much time did it take?"

"It didn't take much time at all, I just manipulated the... oven," He shrugged, "a little bit. But it's clear now, the oven won't remember what happened."

"Is the oven alive or am I missing something?" My angel asked.

I lowered my voice so Yuu-Chan couldn't hear, "What did you replace it with?"

"You don't want to know. Nothing Yuu wouldn't have done." Jack smirked.

I slapped the back of his head, "Moron." I went over to Yuu-Chan, "So, what did you think of my employees?" I asked. It was nice to know that my love could be bent exactly the way I wanted him. If I messed up, Jack would just fix it.

"They seemed... like your stereotypical office types." He shrugged, "But I did like Miss Gallion, and I'm pretty sure she likes you."

"You have no idea." I rolled my eyes pulling up a chair next to him, "But you're the only one I have any interest in."

He glanced to the side, "Yeah."

What do you still think you're hiding from me? I already know all the things you were trying to keep from me. Like how you'll never love me.

I smiled at him, I didn't care if he didn't love me, I loved him and that's all that mattered to me, "My beautiful angel." I tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear, "Pretty little boy."

"I'm 18!" He spat.

"Not yet." I reminded him... and partially myself(not like I really cared).

"Oh, whatever." He turned his head away.

I placed my hand on his thigh and trailed my fingertips along the inner side, "It doesn't really matter." I said while continuing my sinful action.

"M-Mika," He stuttered out, "stop it. Don't do that."

"Why not?" I asked.

"It tickles." He pressed his lips together.

"But doesn't it feel good?" I connected my lips to his neck.

"Mika," He hissed, "I said stop."

You really were serious, weren't you? How unfortunate...

I grabbed his thigh firmly, "And what if I don't want to?" I whispered.

He tried to pull his leg from me, but I held on tight, "MIKAELA!" He shouted.

Jack cleared his throat as a reminder of what I've already caused today. So I reluctantly let his leg go and gave him a small peck on the nose.

"Pervert." He teased.

"Only for you." I winked.

I swear to god, Jack, you better come through for me. I trust you, I trust that this is the best course of action. But just how long am I supposed to pretend I don't know anything?

I looked at the man who was a horrible person, a killer, a pervert, an asshole, an entitled brat, and in love with me. Still, even after I knew all those things, I wanted to cling to him. Not because of this version, but because I hope maybe my Mikaela will come back. The amazing person, the one who could make me happy with just a look, the one who wouldn't hurt a fly, and the one who still loved me.

Looking at that genuine smile, my heart throbbed, I'm not sure if it was out of love or sadness, but the emotion was overwhelming to me, and I didn't like it.

"What a shame." I responded.

"How is it a shame?" He asked, "You're the only one for me, you should be ecstatic."

I glanced over to Jack, our eyes met in a way that some might find somewhat violent looking, we both looked like we were ready to kill someone and then ourselves. But, he was merely reminding me of what still had to be done in order to get to the part where he could help me if I still wanted it.

Of course I'll want his help. It would make things much easier.

My rational side told me. But there was still this little part, this little, itty, bitty part, that wanted so bad to be heard.

Do you really want him dead?

It was a ridiculous question, the answer was obviously yes!

I glanced back at Mika who was eyeing up my food, "Do you want some?" I asked.

He nodded and I offered him a fork to eat with, because there's no way in hell I'm letting him put his blood stained hands on my baby back ribs.

"Thanks, love." He kissed my cheek.

That's when that small voice made itself known once more.

Are you sure?

I make a lot of typos, we all know that, so maybe when Yuu said "Yes" as in, he wants Mika dead, maybe it was just a typo and he doesn't want him dead! Maybe!

(It's not)


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