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I got Jumin's good end and his after end was fucking amazing and it was worth the PTSD... well, no. But that's what I'm gonna tell myself.

Also, it appears that I'm incapable of writing fluff without some toxicity because I've only ever been in 3 relationships that weren't toxic. 1 of them was more like a friendship because I just hung out with them a lot, one of them I ended really quickly because I knew damn well that I couldn't give them the love that they deserved because my previous relationship had recently ended and I was fucked up. And then my current one is running pretty smoothly and I'm pretty happy with it and I think they are too.

I think the only reason the first 2 ran smoothly was because I didn't really open myself up to "love" with them. And then this one is just... really going well for no apparent reason.

God damnit. I should write a book on my fucked up love life instead of just doing it in the notes  because I could go on and on about them. I like to bitch.


After leaving Matthew's house, Mika decided he wanted to go on a little shopping spree. Half of these stores I had never even dreamed of going into. How much money could one man possibly have?

"Do you like anything here? I can buy you whatever you want." Mika offered.

"I'm good." I said. Now that Matthew wasn't around to distract me, the events of last night kept playing in my mind. Mika hadn't had that amount of aggression when talking to me in... ever? No, probably just a very long time. So much has happened I most likely forgot.

"I want to buy you something." He said.

"I don't want you to." I argued.

"Does it look like I care?" He asked, "You can either pick something yourself, or you can end up with whatever weird thing I pick for you. It could be virtually anything. My levels of ho-"

"Ok you can stop," I whisper screamed as I covered his mouth, "We're in public."He licked my hand, causing me to instantly pull it away in utter disgust, "Why? Why are you the way you are?"

"Years and years of trauma." He winked.

"You blonde satanist." I hissed I wiped my hand off on my shirt.

"Me? Worshiping satan? I couldn't never," he wrapped an arm around my waist and booped me on the nose, "I only worship you."

"Ew." I said, pushing away from him.

"Don't 'ew' me. I love you. How is that gross?" He asked.

"We're in public Mika. You have an image to uphold. What if someone sees? What if a reporter sees? They're gonna start weird rumors. I care about your image. I don't things to get bad for you." I said.

He held his out in mid air, "Maybe if we wait a while, a fuck will appear that I can give you."

"Ahahaha, you're so funny." I pulled out every ounce of sarcasm I had.

"I love you." His blues stared me down.

"Stop it." I said.

"I love you." He repeated.

"Oh my god, stop." I said.

"I. Love. You." He planted a quick kiss on my cheek.

"That's gay." I pushed him a small bit.

"Really?" He asked, "Back to the original topic, find an item that you like, I don't care what it is, I will buy it for you."

"Everything here is way too expensive. Why don't we go to like... a Walmart?" I suggested.

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