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HI! So quick question! Would you prefer I update a few times weekly and save a few chapter or just update the whole of what I write every now and then? Like every time I finish writing one I post it?

Lol, I went with the second one. I don't do schedules when it comes to writing. It's done when it's done.

I sat alone in the room that had been assigned to me. Me... and Shiho. I couldn't stop the thoughts that I would never see him again. And I didn't even stay to wish him goodbye.

The girls that wee practically my sisters had already been ripped away, was the universe really so cruel as to take away my only beaten of light?

Of course it is.

Perhaps this was all the work of some sociopathic stalker, out for me for some unknown reason. But there's no reason to think that. People like me never really have the spotlight. If it is a nut job, they're not out for me. They're Out for someone else.

Shinoa and Mitsuba could be annoying, but they would never do anything to someone that would make someone want to kill them.

*knock* *knock*

I jumped at the unexpected sound echoing throughout the still room.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Mikaela." The answer was short, but enough to send me bad vibes just from the sound of his voice.

Yoichi, relax. It's just M(onika)ika.

"I'll be there is a second." I said, forcing myself up.

I opened the door and stood to the side a bit.

"Can I come in?" He asked with a blank stare.

"It's your house." I joked.

He entered, shutting the door behind him as I flopped onto the bed. My friend's 'roommate' sat down next to me.

I looked up to him and asked, "Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

He gave me a gentle smile. Or something like it. It wasn't the type of gentleness he showed towards Yuu, but he was trying.

"I just wanted to check in on you. I know it's hard to be apart from the people you love. Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked.

Well I didn't expect this from him.

"I'm not really great. I've been with Shiho for such a long time. I just can't think of him dead." I confessed. Mika always gave off this aura of trust. He seemed trustworthy... just not trustable.

"Well, Yoichi, he's not dead. Trust me on that one." He winked.

Not trustable in the slightest.

This should be easy enough. Yoichi is clearly the weakest link. I would have been able to leave him alone if him Kimizuki weren't close. Kimizuki posed the biggest threat at that moment.

I mentally narrowed my eyes, I wasn't about to let Yoichi see through me now.

Yoichi is docile. There's no telling what he's capable of when he needs to be.

"But why would you worry about him? He's not coming back." Mika said as if it was obvious.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I thought that was obvious... after you two ended, it would only make sense that Kimizuki would want to leave. He had no reason to stay." Mika explained, his expression Turing to concern, "He did end it, right?"

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