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WHY 👏 AM 👏 I 👏 SUCH 👏 A 👏 SIMP 👏 FOR 👏 7 👏 0 👏 7 👏 WHEN 👏 I 👏 KNOW 👏 DAMN 👏 WELL 👏 HE'S 👏 GONNA 👏 PUSH 👏 ME 👏 AWAY 👏 AND 👏 BREAK 👏 MY 👏 FRAGILE 👏 LITTLE 👏 HEART 👏

If you couldn't tell, I accidentally ended up on Saeyoung's route because I got like one more heart from him than Jumin

"I honestly kind of missed this hell hole." I said to Mika.

"You weren't gone from it for that long." He said as we entered the bedroom, he stared down at the bed in discomfort.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something you were supposed to do," I grabbed at my hair, "God, what was it?"

"Must not have been that important." He shrugged.

I gave him a death glare, "Stabbed." I reminded him of my reasoning for being forgetful.

"You just love to bring that up." He sighed.

"Stabbed!" I said louder.

"I know." He said, raising his voice an octave, "I was there. You're taking it surprisingly well."

My mind flashed through my entire life, this high up there, but it was me rekey a shadow of everything I had experienced.

"It's nothing." I said.

Mika took my hand and my old urges of pulling it away and trying to run kicked in once again, but I didn't. I forced myself to stay. I was starting to feel hopeless again.

There's no life for me without Mikae- stop it, we're not gonna think like that anymore.

"Are you ok?" He asked me, his eyes a bit darker than usual, but I guessed he was probably a bit stressed out and sleep deprived. Everything must've been annoying him at that point.

"I'm ok. Are you ok? You don't look so great." I said.

"I'm just not in the mood to be around people at the moment and you seem to be the only exception for that," the blonde sighed loudly, "I'm so done with people and I have to go into work tomorrow and deal with them."

"Aren't you like... in charge though?" I asked.

"Yes, babycakes, I'm in charge. Which means I have to put extra energy into being superior to everyone" he kissed my hand, "I don't want to leave you to go be an all powerful god."

"Oh, poor baby." I said sarcastically, "I feel bad for your employees, you seem really mad, if they accidentally put 2 packets of sugar in your coffee instead of 3 you might fire them."

"Sounds like something I would do." He face planted into the bed, "I really don't wanna go. I've been doing all of my work at home and even been doing more than I'm supposed to and yet I still have to go in. It's such bullshit. And now I have to leave you with Matthew and god knows what he's gonna do."

I laid down next to him, "It's so funny to see you like this. You actually do have normal people problems, just on a bit higher level."

He stared at me with the most dead expression a human being can muster up, "What are you planning on doing with Matthew tomorrow?"

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now