1.5K 54 125

I like how Wattpad switches in between telling me I have 1k or 1.2k reads it's like... make up your mind bro.... well anyway thank you so much for whichever it is!!

Yeah, past me, about that...

Were a little past that. Turns out rewrites help with views 😂

But really thanks to everyone for delaying with my shit and coming back to read this crap.

I'm def more proud of it now that I'm rewriting it properly.
(Kimizuki) this is gonna be... interesting....

I jerked awake and instantly cried out in pain. Well, I tried to.

I attempted I look around, but there was nothing in sight. It was just too damn dark.

For a moment, I was confused. I couldn't really place where I was or how I got there.

The last thing I remember is Mika knocking me out.

The idea in my head was I must be somewhere in the mansion. I wasn't sure where, but in certain he dragged me back.

I knew Mika was fucked up. I should've trusted my instincts, I should've got everyone out of here.

But, unfortunately, it was far too late for that. Mika has already killed 3 people. Well, he seemed genuinely surprised about Renèe. So maybe only 2. And there's only 1 reason Mika would kill someone.

You fūcking idiot, what have you gotten us into?

But, it really wasn't his fault. Everything that's happening is Mika's fault.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see things like boxes and storage bins.

Am I in a basement?

As soon as that thought entered my head the door swung open as if on cue before shutting quickly.

"Shi. Ho." The demon said emphasizing each syllable of my name. He slowly creaked down the stairs and pulled on a string located towards the middle of the room.

The entire basement became illuminated, he stared upward for a moment with a puzzled expression before looking down to me, "There you are." He said sadistically.

I struggled but stopped one pain starting shooting at me from all over.

"You see, my little angel has been really pissing me off lately. He wants to leave me. Can you believe that?" He asked in all seriousness, "It's not a problem though, I'll just kill the obstacles. But anyway, I'm feeling rather stressed. It's not like I can take any of this out on Yuu-Chan. I would never hit him and I'm not going to force myself on him. So that means you and I get to have fun." He clapped his hands together like an eager child.

What does he mean by that?

I shuddered at the potential thoughts running through my head.

"Don't worry," he chuckled, "I have no desire for anyone other than my love. But still, we have to be quiet." He practically gave himself a heart attack trying to stifle the laughs that came with that sentence, "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. But, Yuu-Chan is sleeping and I don't want to wake him up. Or anyone, for that matter. If someone besides him or Jack walks down those steps they get to join the party, too."

He's fūcking insane!

"Speaking of party," He went on, "I want to introduce you to a few friends of mine."

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now