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Here, have another update. I don't have to do anything for online school until like 10am and on Wednesdays I don't have to go in until 9am so ya enjoy this while it lasts.


I proudly wore the pair of expensive ass sunglasses Mika insisted on buying me. I didn't really want them at first, but now that I had them, the power they had over me was insane. I felt extremely cool.

"MIKAELA SHINDO!" I pointed to him with the hand that wasn't carrying any bags, Mika had a lot of them and seemed to be handling them like they were nothing, but there was no way I would him carry them all, I'm not that rude, "It seems that you have made a grave mistake in buying these! They're never coming off!" I was smiling from ear to ear, "I really like them, thank you."

"Anything for you," he slung half of the bags behind his shoulder and planted a kiss on my cheek, "I'm glad you like them, you look beautiful as always."

"Someone's gonna see." I blushed.

"I hope so." Mika's smile looked far more angelic than it should've, it didn't suit his personality at all.

"Why is everyone so hot?" I asked.

"Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which makes it subjective. You think everyone is gorgeous because you're caring and tend to see good. But I only see you as beautiful; however, I do think that Akane and my mother are very pretty as well."

"But like, even the bad guys are good looking," I frowned, "Like, look at you and Ray. You're both arguably the most good looking people I've ever met."

Mika's eye twitched, "You're going to make me jealous. And don't group us in the same category, that's just rude."

"Why? Only one of you remains. No need to be jealous of the dead." I said, staring intently at his reaction through my mirrored glasses.

"Yes, no need to be jealous of the dead." His eye continued to twitch slightly.

He really is avoiding flat out lying to me, isn't he?

I cupped his cheek, "Thank you again. I don't know how much this stuff will get used, but I really appreciate you doing this for me."

He leaned into my hand and placed hand over mine, the bags falling farther down his arm. He kissed my palm and just stayed there for a moment, "I'm sorry for how I've been acting lately, I'm pretty stressed out. While that's not an excuse, it is the reason, still doesn't make lashing out at you any better."

"It's fine," I brushed his cheek with my thumb, "it's nothing I haven't seen before."

"I don't want to do that to you anymore," he sighed, kissing my hand once more, "Let's go home."


As soon as we entered the house, Mika dropped the bags and pulled me into a hug, still being mindful of my torso, "I really do want to change," he sighed, "it's just... so difficult. I've been living this way for so many years. I know that the past, well, the past was so messed up, some tho he from me, and others from outside forces. But I really do want to be better in the present, and stay that way in the future."

"M-Mika." I said in shock, he had acknowledged his wrongdoings before, but something about this just felt so much more genuine.

"I know you don't want to hear this and I know it might upset you since you were pretty clear, but please consider my offer on seeing your parents. I won't be here for it, I need to go see my own parents. It won't be for a while but I would prefer you be here with your parents. Because my only other options are, for 3 days: leave you with Jack and Akane, have Matthew babysit, and take you with me. I'm particularly fond of that last option," he pulled my glasses off my face and placed them on top of my head before just looking at me for a bit, a subtle smile on his face, "Stunning." He pulled me in by my hips, causing me to wince a little before his lips found their way down my jawline, eventually landing on my lips, "I've never seen anyone as breath taking as you." His eyes seemed to covet so many motions as he picked me up bridal style, "Does that hurt?" He asked.

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