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"Is there anything to do here?" I asked sitting next to him the couch, "I'm kind of bored out of my fucking mind."

"There's me," Mika winked, "and I could fuck your mind out."

"Fuck you." I hissed.

"Please do." He kissed my nose, "Oh hey, that rhymed."

"Mika, I'm really really bored." I said insistently.

"Fine, do you want to go swimming?" He asked me.

I normally would've agreed to that in an instant, but the look he gave me when he said that made me uncomfortable to say the least, "Stop being a creep."

"I didn't say anything!" He said.

"Body language is a thing." I said.

"I just love you so much." He grabbed my hand and brought it to his lips. "I'd give the world for you." His pale blue eyes stared into my soul as he smiled at me.

I blushed more than I would like to admit, "You keep going from romantic to pervert back to romantic." I pulled my hand away.

And you're a dangerous psychopath all the time.

"Well, Yuu-Chan, my angel, we can do anything you want within reason." He picked up his cup of tea from the table and took a sip.

"Speaking of tea, what was your relationship with Ray?" I asked, "It seems like you two used to be friends."

"Does it really matter?" He raised an eyebrow, "He's more abusive than me- which I didn't even think was possible, he's quick to violence, and he'll try and hurt you one of these days if he hasn't already. And when he does," his eyes were noticeably more dark, "I'll fucking kill him. He'll die the most painful death I can muster up." He leaned forward a bit to kiss me on the forehead, "But yes, we used to be friends, my love."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Why are you so curious about Ray?" He shot back.

Alright, for once Guren's shameless manipulation might come in handy.

"I just wanna know more about you." I leaned my head on his shoulder, "I get it if you don't want to tell me, I'm not very trustworthy."

I'm revolted.

The blonde sighed, putting his arm around me, "I'll give into your cheap manipulation just this once. I met him through Asher— Matthew, and we got along very well, we're both extremely powerful, but in different ways. We were good allies. When I found out what he was doing to Matthew, I lost it. I wanted to kill him then and there, but I knew I couldn't. Ray had many more followers at the time. So I just helped Matthew get out, and Ray thought I killed him. They all came after me, and that's why he's down to only 3 followers."

Save the cat moment.

"Why didn't you kill him before?" I could tell he was starting to get annoyed by my questions, but he was enjoying the conversation, "You probably easily could've, you have no problem killing anyone. You're to worst person to fuck with."

He glares at me for a moment, "I know what you're implying. Anyway, Matt was safe and I wasn't very protective over him so I didn't care to go after Ray. Now with you on the other hand," he poked me on the nose, "I'm completely motivated to kill him, the sooner the better. If he doesn't show his horrendous face soon, I may just have to go hunting."

I gripped the hem of Mika's shirt and clenched it in my fist, "I'm so sick of all this death."

He pulled me into his lap and began to play with my hair, "I know. I wish I could make it up to you, but we both know there's no possible way for me to do that. I'd probably end up hurting even more people."

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now