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Some people like really upbeat music. No. Not me. Give me the most relaxing music you can find. Nightcore? Yeah, I like it. But you know what I like better? Daycare. Let me set up the aesthetic for you. My time is at like 2am, with a cup of black coffee because... addictions, listening to slow paced music. But then again... ICP...

"But... he can't be." I said in a desperate attempt, "Why would he? He has no reason to be obsessed." At this point, my attempts were more for myself. So much made sense of that truly was the reason. He always kept me close, and freaked out if I wasn't.

I wonder how he's doing now?

I didn't want to think Mika could do such a thing. I really didn't. But... he was right there when I found Shinoa and Mistsuba. Mika walked in mid-scream. He was just around the corner.

"It doesn't matter. Stop lying to yourself. We're leaving as soon as everything is ready." Guren said firmly.

"We can't prove it to you, we just need you to trust us." Shinya placed a hand on my shoulder, "Please trust us."

"I...I have to see him." I said.

"Who?" Shinya asked.

"Kimizuki." I had finally decided I couldn't live without seeing him one last time, even if it was only a corpse.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Guren snapped, "We are not sending you into that. What if Mikaela catches you? Even if he doesn't, you'll never be able to unsee that."

"I just can't believe Mika would do that. I need to see." I persisted.

Guren lowered his weapon, placing a hand on top of my head, "Don't be an idiot, Yuu." The word's we're harsh, but the one was the most gentle my father had spoke to me in a long time.

"We won't let you." Shinya chimed in, "No matter what, we won't. We'll do anything we have to." The tension in the room was so thin you could it with a knife.

"Let him go." Guren finally gave in.

"Are you fūcking kidding?" Shinya looked him dead on, "You must be shitting me. You must be."

"Mikaela won't hurt him." Guren said, "But he will hurt us." He turned to me once again, "Think about this. Think hard. Whichever choice you make could end up getting us killed. If you go into his basement, you'll see things you will never forget and Mikaela will kill us. If we try to leave, Mikaela will kill us anyway. Is it really worth it?"

"I-I-" I couldn't think straight.

"So either way, we're going to have I fight him. Whichever choice you make will give off the same result in different circumstances. If we leave now, we have a better chance. If we go to the basement, we have proof and can have him arrested." Guren made it clear, "But we will not go with you into that basement."

"Guren..." Shinya looked dejected, "You shouldn't have given him a choice. He's going to take the latter, you know he will."

Memories kept coming back, memories of times Mika tried to keep me in his grasp no matter how much I wanted out, how many times he's pulled me back, how many times he's manipulated me.

I tried to shake off the thoughts as I began twisting the lock, "I can handle this myself."

I quickly shut the door, they're faces filled with all kinds of emotions, shut out by the wood. I didn't want to see them.

The second the door closed all the way I was instantly slammed against a wall. It hurt my side a little and I could already tell it was going to bruise.

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now