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I should probably explain something. I have a go-to-OC .I use him in literally every book. He's like my trademark. His personality just changes. He's my favorite child.

Oh god I see a spider. Claude?

No windows.

A locked door.

No chance of escape.

All I could do was lay in the darkness. I preferred to keep the small light I had off. I didn't want to be able to fully see. There was just no point.

It had been a few days... I think... since the incident and Mika hasn't talked to me yet. Surprising that a guy who literally tortured someone to death cared about something like choking me.

Either way, he doesn't even look me in the eyes. Mika comes in, gives me my food, stares at my neck, which still had marks, then leaves.

I was going insane with no interaction.


I looked the doorknob, mentally sighing. I didn't really want to see Mika, but at least that meant I would get to eat. He's done a good job at feeding me. But he's smarter than that, he doesn't want to keep my strength up. So of course, the potions I got were very small.

The door still wasn't open. I started to get confused. He had a key. A key shouldn't take this long to use.

"This better be something good."

That's not Mika.

Panic swept over me in an instant. Sure, I didn't really want to see Mika. But at least Mika was someone I knew.

Mika scared the hell out of me...that was a definite. But I knew he wouldn't seriously hurt me. Maybe he did a few things, but this random person might kill me for all I know.

Where is he when I actually need him?

After what seemed like hours, but was probably no more than 15 seconds or so, the door creaked open. Causing me to meet eyes with a man I didn't recognize.

His hair was jet black, his skin a ghostly white. But what really stood out were his eyes. One was ice blue, and the other a striking jungle green.

His eyes widened the second the door was open, "What the fuck have you been up to?" He mumbled.

That question seemed like it wasn't for me, so I just stayed quiet and stared at him probably looking like a frightened child.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later, depending on the situation. How did you get here?" He asked me.

His eyes seemed to focus on everything visibly wrong with me. Aside from obvious things, like the fucking chain. The way I flinched at his slightest movement wasn't helping to convince him I was fine.

"I don't... I don't want to talk about it." I looked down to the ground.

"Do you want out?" He asked.

I nodded silently.

"It's ok, I'll get you out. Are you ok coming with me?" He asked yet another question.

I perked up, "Yes. Please, let's go. Let's go now!" I started to get too excited, too loud. I had to quiet myself down. The last thing we needed was for Mika to come checking up on me.

He grabbed my chained ankle and picked the lock like it was nothing. He offered me his hand, which I gladly took.

"You know what, get on my back. I'm faster than you, trust me. And we need to leave as quickly as possible." He claimed.

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now