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Is it bad that my dreams have started to repeat themselves?

Mika had put on some movie in another language that I just didn't understand in the slightest, but watching the characters just do things was so entertaining.

"What's happening here?" I asked as the guy pulled out a gun.

"That mother fucked just tried to cut him short on the money owed, as a business man, I'd do the same." He said.

"What did he owe him money for?" I asked.

"Drugs," he responded, "are you sure you don't want a different movie? I forgot that you don't know Russian and picked without thinking."

"No, no," I put a hand on his chest, "this is getting interesting."

"You don't even know what's happening." His blonde hair fell into my face as he leaned forward.

"Shhhh," I pushed his hair out of my eyes, "that dude just broke the other one's leg."

"He called the dude's sister a prostitute." Mika explained.

"As someone with a sister, I'd do the same," I joked, "I'm sad I didn't get to hang out with her today."

"Yeah, me too," Mika grabbed my now bandaged hand, "maybe you wouldn't have hurt yourself if you had."

"What do you think Akane thinks about this? I mean, we both consider her our sister and she considers both of us her brothers." I said.

"I think Akane has a bad habit of fetishizing gay men and probably feels like it's fucking Christmas every time she sees us together." Mika grunted.

"Oh, that's uncomfortable." I shuddered.

"Yep," Mika said, "extremely."

"Umm, I know this may not be the time, but I was wondering if you had found anything else about that thing I told you about." I tried to explain without actually saying it.

"What thing?" He asked.

"The thing that we talked about on our way back from the hospital." I elaborated.

"Do you mean the thing about the traitor?" His eyes seemed to light up, "Yes, actually. I've noticed that there's actually a large amount of them. However, I'm sure you already know that."

"I only figured that out recently," I said, "I think you need to do something about it but I still can't bring myself to say anything about it."

"It's ok, Yuu-Chan," he placed his forehead to mine, "I know that you don't want anyone getting hurt, I'll figure it out soon."

"And, uh, I'm going to ask you something and I need you to answer either yes or no, can you do that?" I asked.

"Mmhmm." He said cheerfully.

"Is Ray dead?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Why would you-" his eyes went wide.

"Yes or no?" I asked.

"I mean, maybe. He might be dead." Mika said.

"You know that's not what I mean," I sat up in his lap, "I won't say that I know you've been lying to me because you hadn't flat out lied to me about this, but I know you've been dancing around the truth. So answer me, is Ray dead."

"You already know the answer." Mika tried to turn his face away, but I wouldn't allow that.

I grabbed his face and forced it downwards so he would have to look me in the eyes, "Answer the question," I narrowed my eyes, "I want to hear it from you. Yes or no?"

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now