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Fuck gravity. Gravity just haaaaaaaad to exist. Like yeah, good job holding ya to the Earth and stuff, but way to fuck my blood cells over. Like I'm not gonna get into it, but gravity is now what I'm going to blame for everything. I'm very salty about it.

"Finally!" I shouted as I entered the car that Mika had called for us, I guess he wasn't in the mood to drive, or maybe he just didn't want to be alone with me. He had been avoiding being alone with me for quite some time now.

"Are you really that excited to be out of the hospital?" The blonde arched an eyebrow.

"Of course I am," I smiled widely, "I miss home." My breath hitches for a moment.


That's what I called it. I had already accepted that I had underlying feelings for Mika that I was going to have to accept if I wanted to live in something other than rage and sorrow. But how far was that going?

A slight smile browsed Mika's lips as he stared out the window, "I miss home, too, Yuu-Chan."

I clasped his hand in mine, "Things will be better now. No one is going to hurt me. Ray is out of our lives for good."

He grazed his thumb over the top of my hand and mumbled, "I sure hope so."

"Mind the dead man, my dear." I smirked.

"Rachel Caine?" Mikaela asked.

"I'm surprised you knew that. I didn't know you liked mystery books." I said with a tinge of surprise.

The blonde's lips pressed together in a thin line for a moment, "We don't really know much about each other at all, though. Do we?"

I placed my remaining hand on his, trapping his hand in mine, "We have time, Mikaela."

He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, "I know, but do you really even want to be here? Don't you want to... don't you want to go home?" He asked.

"Honestly, at this point, home is wherever you are. I would like to see my parents again. But I know that's not possible with how things are right now, maybe never." I sighed, "Things like these were only supposed to happen in the movies. Choosing between your family or your lover is not an easy choice. But I know that this is what's best for all of us."

"I was your family first." He grumbled.

"Yes, and in the end, you're still my family. I'm sure you just love that." I had to bite my lip to prevent anymore venom from seeping out.

There's always going to be some sort of tension, huh? Oh well, at least now it's just between us.

I was sort of worried that there was no greater danger anymore. Obviously, that was a good thing, but it meant that I actually had to focus on Mika. On what he had done, what he was capable of. There were no more distractions.

"So," Mika put his arm around my shoulder, "About that traitor you mentioned..."

I had almost forgotten that I basically threw Jack right into the wrath of Mika, but at least it was a distraction and would've had to have been taken care of at some point anyway.

"What of it?" I asked.

"I did some digging. As I deal with quite a bit of things in my business, I figured it must've been someone lower down that was unhappy with me. But no one knows a thing. Someone lower down would need help, but nothing has been going around. And I'm certain of that. We both know that I can be very... persuasive." He said.

I shot him a look of annoyance.

"Relax, no one was hurt." He booped my nose, "Then I also thought about how they were in contact with you, and then I realized they must've been someone higher up, and most likely not apart of my business dealings. Which means it's someone who deals with my personal affairs that I would trust enough to leave you alone with. Which narrows it down quite a bit."

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now