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I stared down at the boy I had claimed as my own.

"Such a beautiful mark. It's a tainted thing to put on an angel. You're so gorgeous." I said smiling to him.

The only problem was he couldn't hear me, he was out cold for some unknown reason.

"Akane, please explain to me what the fuck is wrong with him." I said as he suddenly began to roll around like he was suffocating. Which he wasn't, I already checked.

She walked over and pressed her hand against his forehead, "I don't know. He's probably just not sleeping well."

You had to touch him that much to come up with that?

After some lighthearted chit-chat, Akane left the room and I was left alone with the child who was still acting like a lunatic.

I laid down next to him a good bit away to make sure I wouldn't get hit if he suddenly had some sort of muscle spasm.

As I'm European, looking at they way Yuu-Chan's eyes seemed to change shape when he slept interested me so much. His eyes always looked particularly round when he's awake, but when he's sleeping, you could really see the almond shaped outline. My eyes didn't do such a thing. All my eyes did was change color thanks to that orphanage.

I'm sorry for this interruption, but is Mika gay or European?

I was powerless against him and decided I might be willing to let myself get hit just to be close to him. He couldn't complain while he was asleep. Plus maybe, just maybe, I could call him down.

"Do you feel that?" I asked as a sudden warmth came over me.

"It's nothing." Mika insisted.

"It feels... nice." my eyes closed, letting that feeling completely submerge me.

"It's nothing." Mika snapped.

"Let me out." I hissed.

"What?" He asked me shocked.

"Let. Me. Out." I repeated.

That seemed to trigger something as the entire room swept away and I was suddenly in pitch black. Screaming louder than ever.

"Why be scared?" A voice whispered to me.

"It's your fault." The same voice echoed throughout my entire brain.

I looked forward and saw Mika. Not Mika now. Young Mika.

His bangs were all in his eyes and I wondered:

How can he see?

Maybe it wasn't the time, but I was genuinely curious.

"It's your fault. Because you abandoned us." He whispered.

"Stop it." I said angrily.

"Stop what?" Mika laughed, "Stop telling the truth?"

"Stop trying to fuck with me, Asuramaru." I said firmly, "It's not going to work. And the real Mika is right out there, he's not in here."

"What are you talking about, Yuu?" Young Mika asked me.

"Why choose now of all times? What will it accomplish?" I huffed, "Are you trying to prove a point?"

"No, you're completely over run with stress. I thought now might've been a good time to try." He laughed.

"Was there a point?" I asked.

He appeared in front of me and pushed a purple strand back from his face, "There was."

"Which was?" I asked.

"To show you your fear. You're deathly afraid of Mika and what he's capable of. But you don't know what he's capable of. So why are you afraid, Yuu?" The boy asked with a smirk, "Mika has shown nothing but kindness to you all throughout your life. So what exactly do you fear?"

I glanced to the side and said with hesitation,

"The worst."

Almost. Murder in Terror Manor was ALMOST over. But nooooooo. I decided I was gonna rewrite it again. Because WHY NOT?!

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