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I was cleaning up the house waiting for Matthew to come back home, "Everybody's either here for the drugs or the sex or the money or the fame. He's on the phone asking someone for the plug, and she's on the couch small talking, dropping names. I'm not here for the nameless faces, pointless conversations-"


I jumped, "How does everyone always sneak up on me? Am I deaf or something?"

"No, you're just too focused on other things," Matthew also seemed to be focused on other things, he kept looking away and sighing every now and again, "So, um, remember how you told me you saw blondie a few days ago?"

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked as I was sweeping the piles I had made into the dustpan, "Did he say something?"

"No, nothing like that. I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to do what him and Akane did." He had redyed his hair yesterday and it was now more of a lavender, he always seemed to go for purples.

"Like a date?" I asked.

"I was thinking more of like just going out to eat somewhere nice," he cracked his neck, "you do a lot around here and I figured I should take you out at least once. Maybe I should try and figure out who you are and what you want. I've been trying to pay better attention to that recently. Before I was more or less just assuming you were like me in every aspect because we've undergone similar situations. I got a real harsh reality check."

I giggled a bit, "I'm down. First thing to know though, I don't really like high end places, too much pressure. But if you want to go there I'll manage."

"Where do you want to go?" He asked me, today his eyes seemed to be more consumed by the contacts, only traces of green remained, almost all blue.

Seems a little too much like someone else.

I shrugged, "I don't know the area very well. Only here, the police station, and the coffee shop."

"Hmm. There's this one in the city that's really nice. It has outside seating right by the waterways. It's not super expensive or high-class, but they have good food," Matthew smiled at me, "it's a little far, maybe about an hour away, but I think it's worth it. Do you wanna go do that with me?"

"Sounds nice, let's do it." I clapped my hands together.

"K, I'll call them now so that we're all set. They're sort of popular." Matthew pulled out his phone and began to dial the number, "Oh, uh, wear whatever. They don't really care, but maybe go for something more business casual. Mikaela dropped off some stuff for you so pick whatever."

I nodded and went off to find something, I didn't really want to dress up all the much, but I figured casual wasn't enough. I eventually settled on a light blue button up with white dress pants.

Well damn, guess I did get some use out of these clothes.

I walked out and saw Matthew in black dress pants and he was currently struggling to button up his coral dress shirt.

"You're failing miserably," I laughed as I went over to help him, "those contacts of yours messing with your sight?"

He stared down at my hands as I buttoned them up with relative ease, "I never thought you'd be good at that."

I shrugged, "I've seen him do it so manny times that I guess I just picked up joe to do it quickly."

"Well alright then, let's get a move on. Chop chop." He clapped his hands.

"Yeah, yeah. Hey, Matt, thanks for taking me out to dinner. That's really nice of you." I thanked him.

"No problem, I can be nice." He threw a black jacket over his shoulder as we made our way to the car.


The car ride was pretty boring but I just stared out the window for the most part.

"Do you like to sing? I noticed you do it quite a lot." Matthew mentioned.

"Eh, it calms me down," I faced him, his eyes were fixed on the road, he looked stoic as ever. He seemed to switch a lot between a sassy queen and a rock, "What do you like to do?"

"Me?" He asked, "I like to work."

"Really? I always figured you were a workaholic. You don't have any hobbies?" I questioned.

"I know how ironic this is going to sound, but I just love the feeling of bringing justice. I mean, I know my job is frowned upon, it's basically my job to take people's rights away and I hate that part. But I like protecting innocent people. I wasn't always like that, though. I used to try to not get involved if it didn't concern me, but that all changed when I met Mikaela. I don't really like him now, but my situation was none of his business and he still helped me. I-god this is going to sound so stupid, I pretty much viewed him as the highest point of good a person could reach," he gripped the steering wheel tighter, "I was dead wrong, of course. Should've figured anyone that close with Ray couldn't have been good." He was clearly passionate about his job.

"How did you even end up with Ray?" I asked.

He paused for a moment, "I don't actually remember. The first thing I remember of Ray was finding out about the whole wolf thing. He was super sweet for a while, then he just changed."

"Do you remember your childhood?" I asked yet another question.

"Yeah, I was one of of 17 kids and we struggled a lot. We were always happy though. We all got along surprisingly well, it made things so much easier." His tone of voice was much lighter than before.

"Do you still talk to your family?" He was very interesting to talk to, the questions just kept coming to me.

"Not really, sometimes I'll call up a few of my siblings, but most of them don't really want much to do with me and I don't want anything to do with those ones either," He let out a long sigh, "they're pretty much all homophobic. The ones that I no longer talk to had the fucking nerve to scream at me and mock me when the whole Ray thing didn't work out. I don't miss them. Like, damn, at least Ray wanted me around." He attempted to laugh it off.

"God, that's terrible. I can't even begin to imagine what that must be like." I tried to give him as much sympathy as possible.

"It's shitty," Matthew was as straightforward as always, "they're some of the only people who knew me when I was still me, not Matthew. I mean, I am Matthew, but I really don't like him. This must sound so confusing. Matthew is everything I never wanted. Stoic, sort of insensitive, secretive, and alone. Asher was much emotional, made friends easily, had a lot of fun in life, and was super happy until Ray showed up. I guess that's when who I liked being kind of died. I have bad memories as Asher and I resent Matthew for simply needing to exist. Neither one of them is really me anymore. But I still miss being Asher."

"That's tough. Hmm," I pondered for a moment, "do you want me to call you Asher? Or maybe we can even think of a new name to call you."

He chuckled, "You can call me Asher if you want to, very few people do though."

"Alright then, Asher. Let's make some happier memories now. Asher 2.0!" I put my hand up for a high-five which he instantly reciprocated.

"Hell yeah!" He slapped the steering wheel.

"We're gonna have a fucking great bromance! Fuck men! We don't need 'em!" I continued to pump him up.

"Sounds a little gay, BUT YEAH! FUCK MEN!"

We continued on with that for a long time, we must've been very loud, people in other cars were looking at us at stoplights. But did we care? No. Our bromance was blooming gloriously and no one could stop us.


Mika looming in the background like:

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