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Yes, that's the message you're going to get after I haven't updated in a while.


It was finally the day before my birthday and Mika was going to take me to the beach!

Oh, come on people! Did you really think I'd be that excited to go anywhere with him? Even if it is a tropical- wait a second......... t-r-o-p-i-c-a-l  i-s-l-a-n-d. Oh shit.

I felt some very mixed emotions on that topic. Obviously, my family didn't have enough money to go anywhere super nice.

I wonder if they're finally happy since I'm not around.

Being around Mika for so long has... well, it's lowered my self-esteem. It's lowered everything I felt about myself, actually. I can't believe I'm putting up all this. I know all the horrible things he did, yet I'm staying silent in preparation for a moment that may not even come.

I felt weak. Like a bug squashed on a window. I mean, death was right around the corner, it just wasn't the type that would free me.

No, it was, in fact, blonde and manipulative. It actually trapped me more than anything else. Even if he changed (which he never will) it's not like things could be better. He didn't lie to me or fight with me constantly. He does lie to me, but that won't change either. Those would be problems people could work on. Things could change. But nothing can change. I'm never getting those people back.

Mika held my close by, his hand grasping my wrist firmly. He had grown much more possessive and careful ever since he thinks Jack like fucking hypnotized me or some shit. He doesn't say anything he even thinks I might not like, he keeps me too close for comfort, is always and I mean always touching me in one way or another (not like that you sick minded fucks), and tries his hardest to keep me off the subject of the past.

He's either paranoid or very very horny. I'm hoping it's the first one.

"And you're sure everything is in place?" Mika asked over the phone, "Alright, I trust you. Yes. Uh-huh. I know. Thank you, Matt."

He looked at me with a wide smile and pulled me into an embrace, holding me against his chest, "I see you're in a cuddly mood."

"How could I not be? I'm in the clear to whisk you off onto a magical island vacation." He laughed.

Mika did a lot for me. Including things I didn't want. Mika did a lot of things he thinks were for me.

It was depressing to think back to when I first found him. I was thrilled and so in love with him. But now all I feel is pity. Pity for this poor man who won't ever experience everything he wants to.

He lightly caressed my face, "Are you ok, Yuu-Chan?"

"Yeah, I'm ok." I said to him.

Mika stared at me for a moment, "You can talk to me."

Well if that isn't the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.

"I know." I said.

Oh, I stand corrected. Nice, Yuu, throw all your moral values down the drain. Moral values? Ha. Like you even have those anymore. You're literally planning to commit a crime. But it's justice. Does it really fūcking matter? The police won't believe you, not with Matt around. You're the only one who can serve your family justice.

Mika put a hand on my shoulder, "Angel." He pulled me back to reality.

"Sorry." I said.

"I already had Jack pack your things." Mika said.

"Did you tell him what to pack or did he do it himself?" I asked. If Mika told him what to pack I was certainly going through it.

"He did it himself." Mika assured me.

"Alright." I relaxed, still with slight suspicion that Mika told him to put some weird shìt in my bag.

"Don't worry, there's nothing weird in your bad. Normal clothes, normal swimsuits, normal things." He ran a hand through my hair.

"Ok, goo-"

"All the weird shit is in my bag." He interrupted.

"What exactly are you planning to do on this vacation?" I asked.

"Something I've been waiting patiently for." Was the only clue he gave me.

I thought for a moment, "Mika, I don't think you'd look good with a tan." I'm not fucking dumb, I know what he means. I'm just trying to ignore it. Hopefully that will make it go away.

Mika chuckled, "I don't tan. I burn. So I hope you don't mind the smell of sunscreen because that's going to be my signature sent for the next week."

"I tan really easily." I said.

"I bet you look like a god when you tan. Glowing in every way." He kissed the top of my head.

I wonder how different this situation could've been if things were different? Would my parents be coming with us too? Would I be more excited? I wonder if I would've actually done it with a killer that night if they hadn't rushed in? I wish you were different.

I knew it didn't really matter what I thought anymore. My choices and actions would lead to nothing right now. So it was better to just go along with Mika and wait.

A hand pressed to my back and I heard Mika make a very prominent sound of annoyance, but he made no effort to grab at me.

"Hi, Jack." I said.

"Hello." He smiled at me, "I just wanted to inform you that I packed a little something extra for you... just in case things fall into place while I'm not there."

"What do you mean by that?" Mika asked.

"Well, I'm not entirely sure." He winked at Mika before walking away.

"You don't feel threatened by Jack at all, do you?" I asked.

"No, not in the slightest. Jack knows his place and is smarter than to fall in love with someone like you." Mika said mindlessly.

Someone like me.

Annoyance spread through me, but I didn't really care anymore. It was better to just let Mika say what he wanted and forget about it. That was the only true neutral to this situation.

"Come on, Yuu-Chan. We have to get going." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along, "Are you all good? Nothing else needed before we leave?"

"No, I'm ok." I assured him.

"Alright, as long as you're ok then I'm ok." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before rushing out the door.

At least I know you care about me.
Oh fuck. I'm getting to the point where I don't know what to do. "Does this mean another rewrite?" I can hear you asking. No. Not yet at least. And even if I do, I won't do the whole story, it would just be the last few chapters.

Murder in Terror Manor(MikaYuu) Where stories live. Discover now