Chris Evans-Crowded

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Thanksgiving was always a stressful time for you as it always seemed so hectic. You were born and raised in Boston, but moved a few years ago to Newport, Rhode Island. Being a freelance photographer was a dream job for you. You were able to take the jobs you wanted, dictate your own schedule, and most importantly, less people to deal with. You were always anxious around big crowds of people, which is one of the reasons you decided to move out of Boston. Sure, you could have stayed in Massachusetts at least, but you wanted something different. That was how you found Newport in Rhode Island. A population of 25,000 people was much more appreciated in your eyes compared to Boston's 673,000; and it was only an hour and 45 minute drive away.

That's where you found yourself for Thanksgiving, at your parents' house, along with all your siblings. You made the drive two days ago, trying to beat that last minute rush of people; you did not want to deal with that kind of traffic.

You were all sitting around the dining room table, eating the delicious meal you helped prepare with your mother and sister. While Thanksgiving was stressful, you were thankful for your family and how they always supported you in what you did. Your sister started talking about Black Friday shopping and you cringed. You didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Was it worth waiting in line for hours to get the cheapest brand TV, which you know would break within a year or two?

Your sister noticed your reaction and just had to pipe in her remarks. "Oooh, is Y/N going to be a wet blanket again and not come shopping with us?"

"Wet blanket? Really Y/S/N? Is that the best you could come up with?" you glared back at her. You loved your sister of course. You and your siblings always had that annoying "no matter how old we are we will always pick on each other" thing going on. It was all fun and games, until someone made a bet. You couldn't back down from a bet. No one in your family could; that's just how competitive you were.

Your sister gave you a villainous grin, and you knew what was to come. "Damnit" you scolded internally. She was going to make a bet about going Black Friday shopping.

"I bet you couldn't last the entire night Black Friday, without mom or me!" your sister said, loud and proud.

"And what do I get if I win?" you asked, trying not to sound too nervous. Black Friday shopping was something you had nightmares about. The crowds of people; congestion of bodies everywhere. Hell, people have been trampled to death before!!

"I will pay for anything photography related, as long as it stays below the $250 limit" your sister stated, pretty sure of herself that she would win.

You probably would have just thrown in the towel when she first announced it. Your anxiety of crowds and crowded places at night not worth anything, until she said what your winnings would be. Photography was not only your life, but your job, and you could always use a few upgrades to go with your camera, seeing as some of it was expensive. You just couldn't pass up this bet; it was too good.

"You got yourself a deal dear sister!"

"YES! Ok, we will all ride to the mall together, but then you will split up from us. I will be texting you ever hour for a reminder, and at that time, you have to snap a picture of yourself in front of a store. AND it has to be a different store each time. You can stay in the mall, or go outside to the boutiques. I really don't care, as long as I get a picture every hour. Deal?"

"Deal" you say as you extend your hand across the table to shake your sisters. A deal was never cemented until you shook on it.

A few hours later, you were waiting in line to the mall. Standing in a long ass line full of people, bundled up in a jacket and scarf, shivering. The streets were littered with people. Everywhere you looked there were people standing and walking. It reminded you of Times Square in NYC. Your anxiety started creeping up and you felt yourself getting restless. The stores and malls that aligned downtown Boston would all be opening at the same time in a matter of seconds. You felt your heart rate increase a bit as you anxiously waited, hoping the night would go by fast.

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now