The Adoption

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It had been a long seven years; seven years of trying to get pregnant. You knew the minute you started dating Chris, that he was the one; your person. You couldn't wait to marry him, to have children with him, to grow old with him. But there was one problem. It seemed like no matter how hard the two of you tried, you just couldn't get pregnant.

At first, you thought there was something wrong with you. But after extensive testing, you found out that everything was working properly in your department. Then, Chris started getting nervous, thinking maybe it was him. But alas, after some testing on his end, everything was working properly too. In the end, you were just one of those unlucky couples that couldn't get pregnant.

The two of you did everything you could imagine to try and get pregnant, but no matter what, it didn't happen. In reality, it came down to two options; surrogacy or adoption. In the end, adoption won. Why? Because Dodger sat his adorable little head on Chris' knee; his puppy dog eyes gazing into yours; then Chris'. That was all it took. Dodger was adopted by Chris, and that is how the two of you came to realize that adoption would be the best fit.

You two had found an adoption agency in Boston, and had been going over all the paperwork and seeing pictures of the different kids open for adoption. You both even went to visit a few households to get to know some of the kids. The adoption agency told you to take your time, to make sure everything was right.

While you both only planned to adopt one child, and a baby at that; your minds completely changed when you met Brad and Allison. Brad was 9 and Allison was 7 years old; they were siblings. There was something about that first initially meeting; it was as if there were sparks between the four of you, that you all just fit together like one giant puzzle piece.

After meeting them, you and Chris knew immediately that they were the ones; you wanted to adopt them both together.


"Are you nervous?" Chris asked you, taking your hand in his as he drove to the adoption agency.

You chewed on your lower lip, a nervous tick before letting it go from your teeth. Giving him a gentle squeeze back, you replied "Nervous? Ok yeah maybe a little. But I'm more excited than anything. Oh Chris, this is what we have always wanted from the beginning! It's taken us so long to get to this point. I just can't wait to bring them home."

Chris had a smile permanently attached to his face. He loved it when you gushed about the kids; how your face glowed when you talked about them. The paperwork to adopt them took longer than expected, and in that time, the two of you bonded even more by getting their rooms ready for when they came home.

Chris pulled into the parking lot, and you nervously got out of the car; your hands fidgeting together before Chris took your hand in his. He gave you a quick peck on the lips before heading inside.

Brad and Allison were waiting there for you; bags in hand as you made your way inside. When their eyes landed on you and Chris, they jumped up from their seats and came running up to you. You and Chris knelt down on the floor; hugging the kids as they cried tears of joy at being adopted; together nonetheless.

You thanked the adoption agency once again before heading out to the car; the kids safely buckled into the backseat before Chris started the car, heading home.

The whole way back, the four of you talked about anything and everything; never an awkward situation which made it even better.

"Are you two excited to meet Dodger?" Chris asked as he peered at the kids from the rearview window.

They both had bright smiles on their faces at Chris' question. "So excited!" Brad exclaimed eagerly.

"I've always wanted a doggie" Allison giggled out.

Chris pulled up to the house as you turned to see the kids' faces. Their mouths were agape as they took in the sprawling house.

"This....this is where we are going to live?" Brad asked; his eyes wide.

You giggled at his adorable expression, nodding your head. "This is your new home!"

You and Chris eagerly unbuckled yourselves, getting out of the car so you could help Brad and Allison out. Chris took their bags as they each took one of your hands; leading them into the house.

"Welcome home" you jeered happily as Dodger cameracing up to his two new humans.     

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora