Chris Evans-Mistaken Revenge Part 2 of 5

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"So" he broke the silence, placing his hands in his pockets. "I have an idea I want to run by you." Your eyebrows quirked up at his words, wanting to know what he had in mind.

His hand came up to cup your cheek and you melted into his touch. Chris' hand was warm and inviting as you tilted your head into it. Glancing up through your lashes, you saw the desire in his eyes. He leaned down as you slanted your head backwards. His lips connected with yours as your eyes shut; hoping that this wouldn't end soon. His lips were warm, smooth and damn was he a good kisser.

Chris pulled away too soon for your comfort as you pouted. He chuckled at your reaction, shaking his head. "Are you up for a little revenge?"

Your head cocked to the side, wondering what he meant. "How so?" came your subtle reply.

"I was thinking....since we were both in very committed relationships when we first met, and now we are both heartbroken and pissed about what happened..." he trailed off as your interest piqued. "What if you and I pretend to date and we end up coincidentally at the same parties of our exes, making them jealous?"

You took a second to think about it. Sure, it sounded like a good idea. You wanted to get some revenge against Brad seeing as he broke your heart out of nowhere. Things were good between the two of you. There were no problems in your relationship at all and he just up and ended it out of nowhere. And from what you learned from Chris that night, it seemed like he was in the same predicament.

"So, revenge against our exes huh?" you questioned.


"No strings attached?"


"And what was that kiss supposed to mean?" you inquired with a quirked brow.

He hesitated for a minute; thinking about what to say. "Well, I mean, I guess if things get physical, that's not a bad thing right?"

You chuckled at his reaction. To be honest, having sex with Chris or getting any kind of physical intimacy with someone like him wasn't a bad thing. Shrugging, you replied, "I'm in!"

"Great! How about I get your number then?"

The two of you exchanged phone numbers before he headed off for the night. As you made your way into your apartment, you paused to think about the situation for a minute. You weren't a clingy person, but you did get attached emotionally. You wondered if this was a good idea, or if your drunk self just agreed to it because it was Chris Evans after all.

Letting out a sigh, you undressed yourself as you made your way to your bathroom; drawing up a bath before putting in your favorite bath balm. You sunk into the tub; your muscles relaxing at the warmth of the water. Your phone beeped as you reached over for it.

Chris: I hope I didn't scare you off with my offer tonight. I had a really great time catching up with you

You grinned at his text as you shook your head.

Y/N: You didn't scare me off. I agreed to it after all. And it was great to see you tonight. I had a really wonderful time!


The next week was pretty uneventful. It was all work and no play which put you in a foul mood. Plus, you hadn't had sex in nearly a month and it was really starting to take its toll on you. Your rabbit just wasn't doing it for you lately; you needed the real touch of a man.

One night you found yourself stalking your ex-boyfriends facebook; that's right, stalking him. You couldn't help but creep on his profile to see what he was up to. Neither of you deleted each other as a friend so you had full access to whatever he posted. You perked up when you saw he was attending a party at a club in the upcoming weekend.

Chewing on your lower lip, you decided to give Chris a text.

Y/N: So it looks like Brad is going to a party this weekend. Are you up for a little revenge?

You nervously waited for his reply. The both of you were drinking a lot the last time you saw each other and you didn't know if it was just the alcohol talking when he asked you about his offer. Before long, you heard the beep of your phone going off.

Chris: Hell yes I'm down!


The next Sunday you found yourself standing in your closet, trying to figure out what to wear. You wanted to make Brad jealous and to also make Chris never want to take his eyes off you. Since it was summer, you decided on a black mini skirt paired with a sparkling black tank top. Hey, it was a club after all. You picked out a pair of black boots to go with your outfit as you put on some jewelry.

Your doorbell rang as you grabbed your purse and opened the door. Chris stood on the other side; his hands in his pockets as his mouth dropped open. His eyes scanned up and down your body before landing on your eyes. "Wow" he breathed out. "You look incredible Y/N."

You glanced down, blushing at his compliment before going into the hallway; shutting and locking your door. "Ready?" you asked as your door was fully locked.

"After you" he replied as you walked ahead of him. You made sure to sway your hips a bit, knowing he was an ass man.

The two of you made it to the club in no time; bypassing security all because of Chris of course. Making your way inside, you headed to the bar to grab a few beers. As you scanned the crowd, your eyes landed on Brad as he was talking with some blonde chic who had her hands all over him. Scowling at his direction, you took a swig of your beer.

"Are you ready for some revenge jealousy?" Chris rasped in your ear making your body quiver. Looking up at him, you gave him a broad smirk.

"Fuck yes!" you exclaimed as you quickly downed your beer, gripping his hand and pulling him to the dance floor.

The music was blaring as you felt the base in vibrate your bones. Chris was behind you as you swayed your hips into his crotch. Without a doubt, you felt him harden behind you and you grinned. His hands gripped your hips as you swayed them back and forth to the beat of the music. Looking up, Brad had seen the two of you; a frown on his face as he watched you enjoy dancing with Chris.

You turned around to face Chris as you gripped the back of his shirt. "Brad's watching us" you spoke loudly over the bass of the music. Chris' eyes twitched as his hand roamed your back, slowly going lower to cup you ass cheeks. Your body ignited with warmth as he pulled you closer to him.

"Then lets give him a show, shall we?" he husked out. He leaned down, joining your lips with his in a heated kiss. Your hands wrapped around his neck to pull him closer to you. Tilting your head, you deepened the kiss as you felt his tongue swipe over your lower lip. Opening your mouth, your tongues met in a passionate way. You moaned into his mouth but the noise was drowned out by the music of the club.

Chris' hand came up to cup your cheek; fire burning with desire throughout your body. You wanted to claim Chris for everything he had; to take him back to your apartment and ride his cock, but you weren't sure if he was up for it. For the time being, you were glad to make out with him in front of Brad, hoping to make him jealous from your ministrations with Chris.

The both of you struggled to breathe as you each pulled away; Chris' eyes seemed much more dark than his usual bright blue ones. Desire pooled in your belly as you felt your face become tinged with pink. Nibbling your lip, you tore your gaze from him to look for Brad. It didn't take long as you found Brad staring back at you; his eyes narrowed as his fist was clenching.

"I think it worked" you giggled to Chris, motioning for him to turn towards Brad. You noticed Chris' eyes widen, his lips parting as a small smirk grew on his face. Turning back to face Brad, you saw him marching over towards you with a sinister look on his face.


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