Chris Evans-What About Us? Part 2 of 3

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"A blind date?" Chris urged, his eyes wide as he took in your rather serious face.

"Yes! And I know just the perfect person! She is a co-worker of mine. Her name is Lisa and she is adorable. From what you just described to me, I think she would be perfect for you." On the outside, you were smiling, elated to think that Chris might finally be happy, have his happy ending. On the inside, you were screaming, your heart breaking with each praise you spoke of your co-worker. You didn't want Chris dating your co-worker; you wanted him to date you. But it wasn't an option. Chris never expressed any interest in you other than friendship and you were not going to open your big mouth to tell him how you felt; you refused to lose him.

Chris furrowed his brows, tilting his head to the side as he thought about your idea. "I don't know Y/N."

"Oh come on Chris! Don't you trust me?" you asked honestly as you grabbed his hands with yours. They were large, warm against your smaller hands and you felt at ease just from his touch.

His eyes softened as he saw the honesty behind them. "With all my life," he replied with a squeeze of your hand. Your heart leapt with joy at his words before you quickly calmed your racing heart. You smiled, giving him a nod.

"Good," you teased..."you better."


The following Monday you approached Lisa, your co-worker and let her know that you wanted to set her up with Chris. Of course you kept out his last name and what his occupation was. Like Chris, Lisa was reluctant at first but you managed to work your magic.

Once Lisa agreed, you had texted Chris her phone number and left the rest up to them. While you put your best foot forward, showing everyone that you were just fine, inside you were a mess. It hurt to breath; it felt like your heart was being ripped apart from you. Never in your life, even when you had been dumped, had your heart felt this broken.

Each night that week, after a long day of work, you found yourself curled up on the couch or on your bed, sobbing the night away until you had finally passed out from exhaustion. You knew it wasn't healthy. Hell, you hadn't even dated Chris and yet you were still acting like this. It made you realize just how deep your feelings for Chris really were. In all honesty, you thought maybe it was a simple crush; but damn you were you so far off course. Now you knew your true feelings, now you knew how deeply you felt for him. You were truly, madly, and deeply in love with him.

It was Thursday evening when you got the text from Chris.

Chris: Hey Y/N! So it's happening. The blind date and all. Lisa and I are going out to dinner tomorrow.

Tears immediately sprang to your eyes as it felt like a hammer was chipping away at your heart. Your head fell down to your chest as your mind begged you to continue breathing. You just wanted Chris to be happy; to find someone even if it meant that you would be lonely, miserable. He deserved it; he was your best friend.

Y/N: That is awesome! Let me know how it goes!

You text him back with blurry vision; the never ending tears cascading down your face as you viciously wiped them away.

You did everything you could imagine to sooth your heart that night; a bath filled with your favorite smells, candles lighting the room, and a glass of wine. Yet nothing helped. Your heart was in the right place, wanting Chris to be happy, but to what extent? Your happiness?

The next day, the day of Chris' date you had made sure to keep yourself busy. You cleaned the house, did some retail shopping....alright a lot of retail shopping before taking a walk through a nearby park. Your phone felt weighted in your pocket; a constant nagging sensation as you waited for his text. Yet you were unsure why you were waiting with bated breath. Was it because you hoped the date was a complete disaster? Or was it maybe to just confirm that you were right; they would make a great pair and you would have to move on?

It was close to midnight before you finally heard from him.

Chris: The date went great. I'm actually thinking about asking her out again on Friday.

And that was all you had to see to confirm your fears. You had set Chris up on a blind date, wanting him to be happy. But it was the biggest mistake of your life. After responding to him about how great his date went, you cried yourself to sleep.

During the following week you had kept your texts short with Chris. It just hurt too much and you needed time to heal; time to mend your broken heart.

Chris could easily sense that you weren't being yourself, but you urged him you were fine; telling him you were swamped with work. In reality you weren't, you just poured yourself into anything and everything that would get your mind off of him.

It was difficult, but you knew that you had to deal with your broken heart, not just go around it and pretend you never had feelings for Chris. Throughout the week you slowly, yet surly, began to feel your heart piece together. Each day you worked through your heartbreak, it seemed like little pieces began to glue together. It was easier to wake up, to breathe life into your body with each passing morning.

Friday rolled around sooner than you would have liked, but you pushed through. When you came home from work that night you popped open a beer, put on your comfiest pajamas and parked your ass on the couch; fully intent on relaxing after the long week. Knowing it was Chris' second date with your co-worker, you decided to throw in an action movie; forgoing the usual rom-com.

You had no idea how many movies you had watched, or what time it was when the doorbell suddenly rang, startling you to the point of screeching and throwing your popcorn in the air. Shaking your head at your own fear stupidity. Not even bothering to check the peep hole, you opened the door and saw Chris standing there. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a blue button down shirt. Looking into his eyes, he smirked at you; your heart leaping before you soon became confused.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date?" you asked with furrowed brows.

Chris' lips tightened, his head nodding softly. "I already went on the date," he remarked; your heart breaking at his words.

He didn't even give you time to respond as he began to walk through the door. "We need to talk."

"Alright. What about?" you asked, shutting the door behind you as you turned to face him.

"About us," Chris replied, his face deadpanned.

You remained calm on the outside, showing no emotion as his words sunk in. But on the inside, you were an emotional wreck; having no idea what exactly about the two of you he wanted to talk about.

"What about us?" you asked as you crossed your arms over your chest.    

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