Is That Her?

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"Daddy!!! Daddy!!! Look over there!! This is so cool!!" you heard the voice of a young boy squeal and giggle as you came out of your make-up trailer. A smile instantly lit up your face as you saw his small hand attached to none other than his father, Chris Evans himself. You stifled a giggle as his son kept pulling him in all different directions, trying to figure out everything going on at the set of The Avengers.

You had been working for Marvel for quite some time as a make-up artist and you loved it. Recently, Chris has been capturing your eye; especially during the hours he has spent in your chair as you painted battle wounds on his face and arms. He was charming to say the least, and definitely a bit goofy which was always your type of guy.

Chris and his son stopped by the food catering tent as Chris got a plate of lunch together for them both. You knew from talk that Chris was a single dad, and that his son usually stayed at his house with a nanny during filming.

You made your way to the catering tent, grabbing your own plate a food. "Mind if I join you?" you asked coolly. Chris turned to face you and you swear you saw his face become red.

"Y/N, hey, no not at all," Chris urged as you sat across from him and his son. His son was adorable as he stared at you. Once he saw your shirt, he giggled as he tugged on Chris' shirt.

"Daddy! She likes Transformers too!!!" he squealed in delight. Furrowing your brows, you looked down at your shirt and laughed once you realized what he was talking about. You were wearing a gray t-shirt with Optimus Prime on the front.

"I do like Transformers bud! I'm guessing you like them too?" you asked as you unscrewed the cap of your water, taking a long sip; the Atlanta heat was not something you thought you would ever get used to.

His son nodded his head quickly and you giggled at the spaghetti sauce that covered his face; he was just so adorable, just like his dad. "Bumblebee is my favorite!"

You nodded in response, giving him a wink. "He's my favorite too," you replied before taking a bite of your salad. The entire time you spent talking with Chris' son, you couldn't help but notice from the corner of your eye, Chris watching you intently. His elbows were placed on the table as he laughed at the conversation you and his son were having.

"Well, thanks for the lunch guys but I have to get back to work. I'll see you two around." As you got up from your spot you threw your trash in the garbage, but not before hearing his son whispering, rather loudly to his dad.

"Is that her daddy? The girl you always talk about?"

"Buddy, sshhh, you gotta be a little bit more quiet," Chris hushed his son as you passed the table in front of them. You looked over at Chris, a smirk tugging at the corner of your lips as you felt your face flush.

"Oooh Daddy has a crush!" his son sang as you walked away and you had to place your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from laughing.

After making it back to your trailer, you rested your head against the door. Your heart thrummed happily in your chest; letting out a sigh of happiness. "This can't be real," you whispered to yourself; imagining that Chris Evans, the guy whose face you touched day in and day out, the one you've been crushing on for a long while, has a crush on you.

Later that day, you were needed on set during some fighting scenes to touch up the make-up on the actors. Chris' son stood next to you as you felt his eyes on you. Each time you glanced down, he would quickly turn his head and face his father on set. It was darling to say the least.

His soon moved closer and closer to you until you felt his hand lace with yours. Your heart melted at the feeling as you tilted your head down and he gave you the biggest smile you had ever seen. "Hi," he said shyly.

"Hi there yourself," you replied back with a smile. The two of you stood there together, his hand in yours as you both watched Chris and the others battling on set.

"And cut! Y/N, touch-up please!" the director called.

"I'm going to have to go on set for a minute bud. I'll be right back though alright?" Chris' son nodded up at you as he let go of your hand.

You quickly walked over to Chris, dabbing the sweat off his face before getting out your special effects make-up kit. "So," Chris rasped out of breath, "I wanted to apologize for my son. I don't want him to be a bother to you or anything."

Your head snapped up, eyes widening as you took in his words. "Oh god no Chris! He is not a bother at all, I promise. He's actually a real charmer.....just like his father." Your eyes met Chris'; the two of you grinning at each other like two high schoolers in love.

He looked over at his son while you applied the touch-ups; your heart pounding erratically in your chest. "Well, if that's the case, how about I take you out to dinner this weekend?"

You almost dropped your makeup brush at his request; your eyes snapping to his. "What?" you asked in surprise, never expecting him to ask you on a date.

"You heard me. Can I take you out on a date this weekend?"

Your mouth dropped open before you quickly shut it, trying to calm your rapid heartbeat. "Yes," you finally said in a breathy tone. "I'd love to!"

"Great!" Chris said and you noticed he was giving a thumbs up. You turned your head and saw his son giving his dad a thumbs up also, making you chuckle in pure delight.  

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now