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** Smut

Seattle, Washington. June 22nd. Not only was it your first time in Washington, it was also your first Con you had ever been to. It wasn't the money that was an issue, it was the timing. Each time Chris Evans was at a Con, there was always something in the way of you going; work, meetings, family. But not this time. Nope. You made damn sure that you had an open schedule to be there; no matter how busy you were living your life in Los Angeles. The only downside: all the VIP tickets were sold out before you got a chance to buy them.

Walking through the doors of the venue Friday night was truly enchanting. Today there wasn't anything planned so you took your time to walk around and get a feel how everything went. So many people were dressed up as their favorite characters, stopping you in your tracks. Looking down at your outfit, you were wearing a pair of light washed jeans and a Marvel tank-top. "Shit," you whispered to yourself, realizing it would have been a lot of fun to dress up. Alas, you just didn't have the time.

Vendors lined the wall selling everything from t-shirts, to buttons, to comic books and so much more. It was a dream. As you walked around, you bought some t-shirts and Funko Pops to add to your growing collection at home.

After a long day of walking around, it was up to your hotel room for you. Taking a long hot shower, you dried yourself off and passed out on the bed; flying always made you tired.

Bright and early the following morning you were up, hair done, makeup on and you headed down to the venue. Luckily you were able to get a hotel room that was connected to the venue, making it that much more easily to go to and from.

As you made it to the venue, you immediately became overwhelmed. Last night, while there were still plenty of people milling around, it was nothing compared to what you were looking at now. Your heart began to beat faster as your eyes took in the crowd. Looking at your watch, you had about an hour to kill before the panel started. Not wanting to move around the throng of people, your feet carried you swiftly to the auditorium and you found a seat right at the edge of the aisle where one of the microphones were placed.

Your leg began to bounce up and down as you sat there anxiously awaiting the guys to come on stage. Behind you, girls began talking about Tom Holland and you had to hide your laugh from them. They were going back and forth about what question they wanted to ask them and listing off all the names of people they wanted him to give a shout out to. Shaking your head, you couldn't believe that out of everything they could ask, they wanted to waste their time asking for shout outs to their friends. It was completely ignorant and downright rude in your mind.

Kevin Smith appeared on stage and the crowd began to cheer and clap; your cheering was a little more enthusiastic as theirs. Maybe it was because you actually KNEW who Kevin Smith was!

"Welcome of course to Ace Comic Con! Is everyone having a good time?" Kevin asked the crowd and everyone cheered yet again. "The Ace crew has put together a fantastic lineup and today, we are going to talk to some bonafide Avengers ladies and gentlemen!" The crowd went wild, including you. Kevin went on to discuss how he has always been a big fan of not only Marvel, but DC as well and how lucky we are to be living in a time where they are taking those comics and turning them into magnificent movies for all of us to see. "We are going to talk to four people who have been a part of many of these movies. First, we will start out with two of them because the other two are still taking pictures, but once they are done, they will come in and join us. So, without further ado, please welcome Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan!"

Everyone rose to their feet as the auditorium erupted into screams and applause. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you saw Chris appear on stage. A bright smile appeared on your lips at how absolutely gorgeous he looked. He was wearing a pair of jeans, black tight t-shirt, and his ever present NASA ball cap. His beard was trimmed to perfection and it took all your constraint to not run up there and run your nails through his beard.

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora