Dodger's Vet

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You walked into the clinic early Tuesday morning, turning on all the lights. Smiling, you looked around at your facility, delighted at what you saw. It had been a long time coming, but you finally graduated from school and you were officially a Veterinarian. Not only that, but with all the hard work you put yourself through, you managed to open your own clinic in a small town just outside of Boston.

Boston is where you were from, but you wanted to move just outside of the large city and into a smaller community. Your grandparents, bless their souls, gave you your inheritance early because they saw how determined you were and they didn't want you to drown in bills.

Luckily they were very wealthy, putting into the right stocks; that's what you get when your grandpa worked on Wall Street his whole life. Because of your early inheritance, you were able to pay off your loans from school, buy yourself a quaint little house, and also open up your own Veterinarian Clinic. To say life was great would be an understatement.

It had been a little over six months since you had moved to Sudbury, and just about three months since you had opened up your clinic. You were nervous to say the least, unsure if your clinic would be a hit or miss in this small town. But you did your research and saw that the closest Vet Clinic around was nearly 15 miles away.

One of the things you prided yourself on is that three days a week, you were on call after hours for emergencies just in case.

Because your clinic had been a big success so far, you were able to hire on two other Veterinarians, one a specialty in exotic animals also, and six Veterinarian Assistance. To make things even better, your clinic was only a mile down the road, making it easier to head home during lunch breaks and feed your own brood of animals.

Currently you had three dogs and two cats; all of them rescued or saved. Two of your dogs you saved because people came in for emergencies and couldn't afford the services. They ended up leaving the clinic, and the dogs and you gladly worked on them and took them home. They were both Corgis, both brothers and they had gotten into some poison at the house. Luckily you were able to save them, but it was very touch and go. Your other dog was a Great Dane named Petunia; you found it funny how you named her such a delicate name for a big dog but she was your baby. Your cats were also brothers and you named them Tom and Jerry as they were both rambunctious little buggers.

Heading into your office, you looked over your list of patients for the day and smiled when you saw Dodger was coming in for a check-up and his shots. He was such a good boy and his fur was so soft; he was by far one of your favorite patients to date.


The day went by fairly quickly and before you knew it, there was a knock on your door. One of the assistance poked her head through, letting you know that Dodger was in exam room three and ready for you.

With a smile, you got up from your chair in your office and made your way down the hall. When you got to the exam room, you gave a quick knock to let them know you were there.

Upon opening the room, Dodger got up from his spot on the floor, tail wagging excitedly as he raced over to meet you.

"Hi there Dodger! Yes, it's so good to see you too," you cooed as you knelt down, letting the happy dog give you kisses. "Hello Lisa. It's good to see you too."

Lisa chuckled at the dog attacking you with kisses. "It's good to see you too Dr. Y/L/N."

"Oh please, call me Y/N. Dodger and I are on a first name basis now so I'm hoping we can do that too," you said with a smile, looking at the woman sitting in the chair. She gave you a nod and a smile back. "Alright, so just a check-up and a few shots today for Dodger is that right?"

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now