Chris Evans-Just Friends

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From your eyes, life was perfect, or so it seemed. You had a great paying job, an amazing loft apartment in downtown Los Angeles, and the most spectacular group of friends any girl could ask for. Scott Evans was your best friend, and through him, you met his older brother Chris. Your immediate reaction to meeting him was how attractive he was. His dark brown hair, along with his perfectly manicured beard really turned you on, but it was his personality that really captured your heart.

When you hung out with him, he wasn't a celebrity or actor, no; he was just a normal guy wanting to have fun. Through the months of initially meeting Chris, you got to know him really well. Each time you hung out, your heart raced with joy and excitement. He was a pretty flirty person, but so you were. Over the months of getting to know him, Chris Evans eventually captured your heart.

When he first started dating Jenny, your heart shattered. You thought that over time, he would ask you out, but you were naive, and you should have known better. When Chris and Jenny broke up, you hid your happiness; not wanting to look like a bitch; instead mentally doing a happy dance. Naturally, you didn't want to make a move; hell, the guy just broke up with his girlfriend and all.

One particular night, you were meeting Scott at the bar, and lo and behold, you saw Chris sitting there next to him. Chris' back was facing you, but Scott was sitting sideways and noticed your presence. As you got closer, you could hear their conversation; Scott giving you a wink.

"What about Y/N? You could always ask her out. I'm sure she would say yes" Scott said giving Chris a nudge on the arm.

Slowing your pace, you wanted to hear what Chris had to say; your heart thrumming erratically in your chest awaiting his response.

"Y/N? No man, I don't think so" you heard Chris reply; your heart sinking to the pit of your stomach.

You saw Scott look in your direction, before quickly moving his head back to Chris. "Why not? I think you two would make a cute couple."

Leave it to Scott, your best friend to try and make you feel better. But this hurt in a way you've never felt before. You simply thought you had a crush on Chris, but hearing him say that hit you like a semi-truck. Your reaction caught even yourself off guard; freezing you in your spot.

"I don't know Scott. I mean yeah, she's beautiful, intelligent, and humble and kind, but I....I don't know" Chris sounded exasperated as he spoke.

In that moment, Scott turned to face you again, concern etched on his face. He tried, he really tried for you, but there was nothing else to be done. Chris looked at Scott, before turning to face you. He took in your red rimmed eyes before cursing under his breath, shaking his head. He got up from his stool and headed over to you.

"How much of that did you hear?" he asked, his hands scratching at the back of his neck nervously.

Taking a deep breath, you looked him in the eye, "I heard enough." Walking around him, you gave Scott a kiss on the cheek, telling him you were just going to head home and said your goodbyes to both Scott and Chris before heading out of the bar and going home.


The next few weeks, you drowned yourself in work, trying to get over the fact that Chris didn't feel the same way about you. It hurt, but you were determined to not let it get to you in the end. It was just a crush after all, right? There were other fish in the sea, wasn't there?

Of course Chris kept calling and texting you, apologizing for what you heard him say. You always replied with 'I understand' or 'It's fine Chris, really.'

You even made a Tinder profile and ended up meeting someone. His name was Tony, and he was a very attractive man. He was tall, had light blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. The two of you went on your first date and, well, it kind of turned into a disaster. While you were out for dinner with Tony on your first date, Chris and some of his buddies ended up coming into the same restaurant. When Chris first saw you, he did a double take; and from that moment, you felt his eyes on you all night. Sometimes you would look over at his table and see him glaring at Tony. Inside, you had to stifle your giggle.

In the end, you deemed Tony wasn't worth it when he asked if you wanted to head back to his apartment and have some fun. You weren't that type of girl, to sleep with a guy on the first date no less. You politely declined, and you could see he wasn't happy with your answer.

After your disastrous date with Tony, you headed home, planning on taking a relaxing bath. Filling up the tub, you stripped of your clothes, putting your favorite scented bath bomb in; watching the water turn colors was your favorite part.

A knock on the door startled you making you jump in place. Quickly, you put your robe on before heading to your door. Looking through the peep hole, your eyes widened as your heart fluttered. "Shit" you cussed quietly as Chris stood on the other side of the door.

Taking a deep, calming breath, you let it out through your nose before opening the door. "Chris. What a surprise" you said graciously with a smile, opening the door for him to enter.

"Sorry to just barge in on you like this" Chris apologized as you waved him off.

Tightening your robe, you stood in your open living room, staring at the floor as you could feel Chris' gaze on you.

Clearing your throat, you asked "what are you doing here Chris?"

You could tell he was nervous; it was something you picked up on from all the times you spent with him. His hands fidgeted together, not know what to do before he stuffed them in the front pockets of his blue jeans.

"I came to apologize, for that night in the bar."

You held up your hand before he could continue. "Chris, you've apologized more than enough. I understand. You don't have to keep apologizing."

His lips rose in a small smirk and you had to keep yourself together; his smile always made you melt. "Y/N" he began to say before moving closer to you, "What I said was stupid. And a mistake." Your eyes snapped up to meet his as he spoke, furrowing at his words.

"Then why did you say it?" you snapped back, surprised at your own tone.

Chris huffed out, displeased with himself from how he reacted to Scott saying he should ask you out. "I don't know. Because I'm a dumbass?" he said with a slight chuckle. "Jenny and I had just broken up, and I guess I took it harder than I wanted to. I thought maybe she and I would get back together. But then I was stupid. And because of my stupidity, you and I stopped hanging out and I came to realize something in all that."

Your eyes narrowed, waiting for his response.

"I think I'm falling in love with you" he breathed out rather easily.

Your heart all but stopped in your chest; your eyes bugging out as your jaw dropped open. "WHAT?" you shrieked out rather loud, your own voice ringing in your ears.

Chris stood there smiling at you. "You heard me Y/N."

Your mind tried to process what he had just expressed, but it was fuzzy. This was a dream right? Yeah, yeah you were dreaming, this wasn't real. Your knees started to give out as you sat down on the couch, his words echoing in your mind.

You felt the cushion next to you dip; turning to see Chris had sat down next to you. "Are you alright?" he asked his voice full of concern.

"No, no I'm fine. Just trying to....process this all."

Chris took your hands in his; your body flooding with warmth as you turned to face him. "I'd like to give this a chance Y/N. Give us a chance. If you want."

If you want! While he was an asshole earlier, at least he came to realize that and could understand it. Your face became heated, a light blush color illuminating your cheeks as you bit your lower lip.

"Yeah, I'd like that Chris."    

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now