Let Down Part 2

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With nowhere to go, you drove to the nearest hotel you could find and checked in. Lugging your suitcase to the room, you collapsed onto the bed and let the floodgates open. Six years you had been with Chris, and he had been putting you second best compared to everyone in his life. Without a doubt, you knew family was important to him, but he was beginning to let you down one too many times.

Promising to take you as his date to the Oscars, one in which you had never gone on any red carpet event with him before, only to let you down and say he forgot he was supposed to take Carly, was the last straw.

Looking at your phone you saw many missed texts and calls from Chris, begging for you to answer your phone. He wanted to talk, but right now you needed some time to yourself; some time to think things through.

He was the breadwinner of your relationship, and you didn't mind that at all. You had no problems staying at home, watching Dodger while Chris was away filming, cleaning the house and making him dinner. All in all, you were a housewife without the 'wife' title and it didn't make you mad, not one bit. But what did make you mad was that he wasn't putting you first anymore. Was that really too much to ask for after six years together? The two of you were in a relationship together, a partnership and you were feeling he was putting you on the backbend.

Your phone rang for what felt like the millionth time and you had enough. Picking up the phone you turned it off, throwing it onto the bed. Closing your eyes, you wished your headache would ease as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

The following morning you awoke with a dull throb in your head as you scoured through your purse for some ibuprofen. After downing your pain killers you turned your phone back on; your jaw hung open as you saw how many voicemails and texts you had from Chris. In a way, your heart broke at how much he was begging you to answer, but he needed to feel how you were feeling.

Deciding to let him know you were at least safe, you texted back.

Y/N: Stop freaking out Chris. I'm safe. That is all you need to know right now.

You continued scrolling through your missed texts until you saw one from his sister Carly.

Carly: Hey sweetie. Chris called me and told me what happened. I want you to take my place at the Oscars. I've already gone to a few of his movie premiers before and I know your heart was set on this. Don't forget that he loves you so much Y/N. Call me if you need to talk. Love you hun!

Carly's text made you break down in tears. She was such a great sister to Chris, and a really great friend to you. You were closest to her out of all his siblings; yet you wanted Chris to WANT to take you, not have Carly offer up her spot with him.

You spent the rest of the day in bed at the hotel, dodging Chris' phone calls and texts. Your eyes were puffy from crying and you were exhausted; not knowing what to do. By late evening, all you wanted to do was go back to bed but there was a knock on your hotel room door.

Getting up, you looked in the peep hole only to see flowers blocking the view of the person. Confused, you opened the door and the person lowered the flowers, revealing your boyfriend Chris of six years standing there, looking sullen.

"What do you want Christopher?" you questioned, using his full name, and he damn well knows you mean business.

"Babe, please, just let me clear things up," Chris urged but you didn't want to listen to him.

Holding your hand up, you paused to take a deep breath. "Chris I said I needed some time to think. One day is not going to make things any better!"

His head lowered and you felt a pang in your heart but you needed to be strong; to be strong for yourself. "Please," he begged.

You stood there for you weren't even sure how long before letting him come into your room. The least he could do was talk, but it didn't mean anything right now. Closing the door, you moved to stand in front of the bed. Chris handed you the flowers and you took them; inhaling the smell of your favorite flowers. He placed his hands in his front pockets; his eyes now meeting yours. "Well, talk then," you urged, waiting for him to speak.

"Baby I'm so sorry about the Oscars. Between filming, and the back and forth seeing each other, I completely forgot about promising Carly. But I want you to know that I talked to her...."

"Yeah I know you did, she texted me," you interrupted him with an eye roll, setting the flowers down on the bed.

You saw a smirk flash across his face because he knew how close you and Carly were.

"Then you should know that I asked her to miss this year's Oscars Red Carpet so that I could bring you instead."

"Yes Chris, I know all that. But that still doesn't answer the other question! Why have you been distant with me lately? Huh? It's as if I have become second best to you. Ever since you came home from filming, you are always out with your friends, and you never call or even text me just as a heads up to say you will be out late. I have spent way too many nights crying over you! And I shouldn't have to deal with that!"

You were fed up, ranting left and right, becoming worked up rather quickly. Chris moved toward you, placing his hands on your shoulders and you couldn't help but calm down from his touch.

"There's a reason I've been distant lately," Chris spoke softly, making your heart jump with worry. Was he going to confess he was cheating on you? The worst of all ideas kept running through your head as Chris gently pushed your shoulders down so you were sat on the bed.

Lifting your head, your eyes locked with Chris'. "I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few months," he began to say; your heart sinking at his words. Chris sunk down onto one knee in front of you, taking your hand in his as he pulled out a small velvet box from his pants pocket. Your eyes grew wide, threatening to spill tears, of joy, as you realized what was happening. "Y/N, we have been together for six years now and I know we haven't talked much about getting married. But the last few months, it was all I could think about. I don't want to live another day without you, without knowing you will be mine forever. I had been out shopping for rings, and planning how I was going to do this but well, things got a bit sidetracked." He pulled the ring out of the box and your heart was hammering in your chest. "Baby I am so sorry for making you feel like you have been second best in my life lately because that is not true, not one bit. You will always be my number one, and I'm sorry for letting you down. With that being said, I want you by my side forever. I love you so much Y/N. Will you marry me?"

Your vision was blurry from the tears but it didn't matter anymore, they were tears of happiness, of joy. "Yes!!! Yes of course I will marry you!"

Chris placed the ring on your finger before you wrapped your arms around his neck; his arms caging you close to him. "I love you Chris," you cried into his neck.

"Oh baby I love you too. I'm going to make it up to you. I promise."

You let out a chuckle, pulling away from him as you looked lovingly into his cerulean eyes. "You better!"    

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