Mad Part 2

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You were afraid to come out of the room the following morning; afraid Chris would take one look at you, roll his eyes and leave you for good.

The entire night you spent going through the scenario again and again in your head, and what you did wrong. But you knew what you did wrong from the moment you began texting and calling his phone all night.

Never in your entire relationship with Chris had he ever cheated on you, let alone given you a reason not to trust him. Sure he was surrounded by beautiful women day in and day out because of his movies and press tours, but he was always the most loyal boyfriend you ever had in your life; and you ruined in.

Going into the en suite bathroom you looked in the mirror. Your head was pounding from the bright bathroom lights, making you wince in pain; crying all night would do that to you.

Your eyes were bloodshot and puffy, nose raw from all the use of Kleenex. Quickly you pushed a comb through your hair, trying to detangle it before putting on your robe and heading to the kitchen.

As much as you weren't in the mood to eat, your stomach was grumbling and you didn't want to get any more emotional from being hungry.

Opening the bedroom door you saw that the guest room door was opened. Taking a few deep breaths you headed into the kitchen as you chewed nervously on your lower lip.

Looking around, you didn't see Chris in the kitchen or the living room. Furrowing your brows, you began to quietly walk around the house in search for him. After take a quick glance in every room of the house, with each breath your heart began to beat quicker.

With your hand on the doorknob, you opened the garage, tears springing to yours eyes instantly when you noticed his car was gone.

Doubling over, you clenched your stomach, feeling nauseas knowing that he was going to leave you for good; all because of the way you acted last night; all because of your ex-boyfriend cheating.

No, Chris wasn't a cheater, but for some reason you had it stuck in your mind that because you had been cheated on once, every person you were with was going to cheat on you.

You spent the next few hours on the floor of the entryway, staring blankly at the wall in front of you, feeling numb. A perfectly good relationship and you had ruined it. Why did you have to be so clingy when you knew guys hated that? Why couldn't you just let your mind relax when Chris was out with his friends last night?

The feeling of loneliness began to creep around your now trembling body as you sat on the hard cold floor. Two years of the best relationship out the door and you felt disgusted with yourself.

Thinking back of all the great times the two of you shared only made your heart clench and hurt ten times worse; you would never get to enjoy times like that again because you had become that kind of girlfriend.

More tears spilled down your cheek, but you weren't hysterically crying like the night before. No, this time you sat there, not moving and just staring blankly ahead.

On the outside, you looked calm, albeit tears were there. But on the inside, you were screaming at yourself as your emotions swirled. Panic began to bubble throughout your veins, but your body remained robotic.

The door from the garage opened up as Chris stepped into the house, his eyes immediately focusing on you but you didn't move a muscle as you continued to stare straight ahead, not even hearing him enter the house.

You felt a sharp pain in your chest and you began to gasp for air, yet your body still didn't move. Everything you felt was internal, but all Chris could see was what was happening to you on the outside.

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now