Happy Birthday

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The sun was shining through the curtains as you turned over in bed. Using your arm to reach out, you found Chris' spot to not only be empty, but cold. Furrowing your tired eyes, you opened them slowly to see he was not in bed, but there was a note with a single rose in place. Smiling, you grabbed the note and began to read it.

My Sweetheart,

You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up this morning. I had to run into Marvel Studios to talk about details for the upcoming movie. I'm sorry to do that to you on this day my love. Downstairs on the table you will see I left you some cash. This is yours to go shopping, and to spend as you wish. I will be home by the time you get back. I love you Y/N.

P.S. Happy Birthday Beautiful


Your heart fluttered in pure happiness as you read the note once over again. You were used to Chris spoiling you in every way possible; your birthday being no different. Quickly hopping out of bed you stripped of your clothes and headed into the shower. After drying your body and hair, you got dressed, grabbed the money and headed towards your favorite shops.

Not wanting to bother Chris during his meeting, you kept from texting him, until you saw the perfect thing to make his mouth drool. Going into the dressing room, you tried on a dark pink lingerie lace set, snapping a picture in the mirror before sending it to him. His response was almost instantaneous; a meme of Jim Carrey in 'The Mask' when his tongue is rolling out. You nearly doubled over laughing at his response, knowing you just had to buy that little lace set now.

After nearly three hours of shopping, you headed back home. Chris, true to his word, was already home when you got there as you jumped into his arms. He peppered your face with kisses as his beard tickled your face; your giggles echoing throughout the house.

"Happy birthday Y/N," he breathed into your ear causing you to shiver. You pulled away, giving him a bright smile.

"Thank you Chris. And thank you for the spending money," you replied with a wink.

He laughed, shaking his head knowing full and well that you bought the little lace outfit you sent him a picture of. "Well, it's your birthday. So what would you like to do?"

Placing your finger to your lip, you contemplated how you wanted to spend the rest of your birthday. With a grin, you replied. "Pizza and Disney movies!"

Chris gave you a soft kiss on the lips, pulling away much too fast for your liking. "You go pick out some Disney movies and I'll order the pizza."

An hour later the two of you, along with Dodger were cuddled on the couch; pizza on the table as your favorite Disney movie began playing on the large television.

It felt as if you had eaten your weight in pizza and you were stuffed. You cuddled up next to Chris, but he was being extra playful tonight, constantly poking you and tickling your sides. After enough poking, you repositioned yourself so your feet was on his laugh; bad move on your part. He grabbed your feet, holding them in a vice grip as he began to tickle you.

"CHRISTOPHER!!!!" you tried to yell but it came out in squeamish giggles. You furiously tried to pull your feet back but nothing was working; his muscles much stronger than yours. He finally stopped tickling you, giving you a minute to catch your breath although he held your feet in his hands. On impulse, you lunged forward, wrapping your hands around his neck as you landed on top of him.

You weren't even sure how it happened, one minute you were on the couch with him, the next the two of you were rolling on the floor, laughing and giggle as you too playfully wrestled. First he was on top of you, but you soon maneuvered yourself on top of him.

It wasn't long before you began to get sweaty from all the wresting. "Give me two minutes," Chris remarked before dashing out of the living room and towards the bedroom. Taking the time, you caught your breath and combed your hair away from your face with your fingers.

"Alright sweetheart I'm ready for you," he called from upstairs and you eagerly made your way towards his voice. Walking into the master bathroom you found Chris standing there, the room lit with candles and the bathtub filling up with bubbles; your favorite smell emanating from the room.

"Chris..." your voice was soft as you began to walk towards him.

"This is all for you. I love you so much Y/N. I want nothing but the best for you. Happy Birthday beautiful." He bent down as his lips lightly touched yours; love coursing through your body as you reached up on your tippy toes.

"I love you too Chris," you whispered as you pulled away. He helped you rid of your clothes and you sunk into the warm water. Chris knelt behind you, sinking his hands into the water before he began to massage your shoulders. Your head rolled back onto the tub as a soft moan escaped your lips. His hands were working your tired muscles and you had never felt such relaxation before.

"Feel good?" he chuckled from your noises.

You nodded at his answer, reaching your hand upto wrap around his neck. "But it wouldbe even better with you in here with me."     

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