Chris Evans-Dangers on Set Part 1 of 6

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"Kendra are you sure this is going to be ok?" you asked your best friend, the two of you sitting in her expensive car as she picked you up from the airport.

She rolled her eyes at you before answering. "Y/N sweetie I've told you time and time again. They love me. I can do whatever I want!"

Kendra Adams, movie star extraordinaire was your best friend. The two of you had been inseparable since kindergarten, yet polar opposites. She was like a beauty queen growing up, had all the right clothes, nails done and hair done. She was miss popular. You weren't ugly or anything like that, you just didn't go out of your way to spend hours on your hair and makeup each day. In school, you were quiet, shy, but always got good grades. Yet when the two of you were together, you couldn't stop talking about anything and everything.

Kendra had always said she would become a famous movie star one day and here she was, true to her word. As her bestie, you always encouraged her to follow her dreams. Once she graduated college, she moved to Los Angeles. While you didn't see each other very often after that, you always stayed in touch with her.

Just last month she had asked how everything was going with you. You had just moved in with your boyfriend, only to find out he had been cheating on you. Not only that, you were also let go from your job. It was a miserable time in your life. Kendra asked you to join her on set for her new movie, and while you were hesitant at first, you realized you had no job and nowhere to live for the time being. She said everything would be taken care of and that you didn't have to pay for anything. In the end, you agreed.

"Oh and I can't wait for you to meet my new boyfriend. I've been seeing him for about three months now and he's actually co-starring with me on this move!" Kendra gushed from beside you; her hand waving erratically as she spoke.

"Really? Who is he?" you questioned, the humid hot air of Georgia whipping at your hair as you had the windows rolled down.

"Chris Evans," she replied as if it was no big deal. Your head snapped towards her, eyes wide as you nodded your head.

"Nice." You had known all about Chris Evans, being a big Marvel fan for the last ten years and your heart skipped a beat just thinking about meeting him.

"Yeah, it's alright," Kendra stated with a head tilt. "The sex is alright. Definitely not the best I've had but still great. But his beard Y/N, ugh! Seriously, I can't wait for this movie to be over so I can make him shave it."

You were taken aback by her words. Kendra was never one to judge anybody, ever. She was always open minded, graciously talking to anyone who approached her. She never judged people based on looks or appearances. You chalked it up to perhaps her being stressed from this film. She had starred in many movies over the last dozen years, but this one would be hands down her biggest film. All you knew about it was that it was a romantic dramedy.

As you reached the hotel, she ushered you straight to her room. When she opened the door, you mouth hung open. This wasn't just a room, this was a suite, hell, it was an entire home! There was a fully functional, rather large kitchen, dining room, living room, and three bedrooms and bathrooms. "Wow," you breathed out, your fingertips lightly gracing the granite countertops.

"I know right. It's part of my contract when I do movies now. I have to have the best suite in the hotel closest to the set." Walking down the hallway you peaked your head into each room, the next larger than the last.

"So which room is mine?" you questioned with a quirk of your eyebrow, a grin on your face.

Kendra smiled, shaking your head. "None of them silly! I can't have you staying in the suite with me while I'm filming. I won't get any rest with all your chit chatting you do! I have a room booked for you right next door to the suite." Her words were like a punch in your gut. You were grateful that everything was taken care of for you, but you had expected to spend the nights in her bed, gossiping and chatting the night away like you two used to do with your sleepovers when you were younger.

"Oh. That-that's alright. I understand."

"Grab your bag and I'll show you there."

Grabbing your large suite case you followed Kendra out of her suite and to the next door on your right. She placed the plastic key in the slot and opened the door. Inside there was a king bed, dresser with a tv, small desk, and a small kitchen. "At least you have a kitchen," you heard Kendra chuckle from behind you as she urged you into the room.

"Very true." Naturally it wasn't anywhere near as luxurious as Kendra's suite, but at the moment you were homeless. Nowhere to live and no job; you weren't the one to be a beggar. "It's perfect Kendra. Thank you."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes yet again. "Don't thank me. I had those in charge of the movie pay for it. Anyways, I need to get to bed. It's an early day tomorrow!" She gave you a hug, kissing your cheek before pulling away. "You might want to get some sleep too Y/N. Those circles under your eyes are looking rather dark." Kendra didn't even have time to watch your mouth hang open before she turned around and walked out the door.

Her words hurt you as you tried to shake them from your mind, unpacking your belongings and putting them in the dresser and closet. But you just couldn't shake it. Kendra had never acted that way towards you, ever. Even if you did something to make her mad, she was always a forgiving person, and never used any kind of words like that to hurt you, or anyone else.

With a sigh you put on your pajamas, hopingtomorrow would be different. "She's juststressed," you softly reminded yourself as you drifted off to sleep.     

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