I Need You

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The Oscars were supposed to be a fun time, all about seeing other actors and actresses, mingling, and parties. But tonight, it was different, your ex, Chris Evans would be there.

Taking a deep breath, you stepped out of your limo and were greeting by hundreds of people screaming your name. Tonight, you were nominated for Best Supporting Actress in your most recent roll, and while you should be happy, you were terribly nervous. Not about winning or losing, but about seeing Chris. The bastard cheated on you and while you should be hurt, granted, you still were, your heart still longed for him.

It had been three months since you broke up, and yet on a daily basis, you found yourself almost texting or calling him. You missed him that much was sure. While your brain screamed at you to stay away, your heart didn't want to; it was an internal battle you had been struggling with for months.

"Y/N! You are looking as gorgeous as ever, who are you are you wearing tonight?" Giuliana Rancic asked as she placed the microphone right to your mouth.

You gave your award winning smile before speaking, "Alexander McQueen. I've always loved his creations and when I saw this dress, I knew I had to have it."

You continued interview after interview, luckily dodging questions about your past romance with Chris. Making your way into the auditorium, your breath caught in your throat as you saw Chris standing there with his brother Scott. Your heart started to flutter as you took in his appearance. Yes, the man cheated on you but you still unconditionally loved him; and did he look damn fine in a suit!

Walking by, you held your breath, hoping he wouldn't notice you, but you were out of luck because Scott screamed your name.

"Y/N!!! Damn sweetie I've missed you" Scott said as he scooted his way through the crowd of people to get to you, wrapping you into a bear hug.

"Scott, what a pleasant surprise! How have you been?" you asked with a gleeful smile, trying your hardest not to look towards Chris' direction even though you could feel his eyes on you.

"Oh you know, same old same old. I'm still yelling at this dumbass over here for what he did to you" he said as he pointed towards Chris. "I miss you sweetie!"

"Aaahh, I miss you too" you replied, a smile gracing your lips.

Your eyes quickly darted behind Scott, seeing Chris walking towards you. "Oh fuck" you muttered under your breath. Chris looked fucking hot in his blue velvet suit, memories swarming your mind of past events when he looked just as sexy.

"Y/N" Chris' voice brought you from your memories as you looked to him, giving him a sly smile.

"Chris" you replied as you cocked your head to the side.

"Can we talk real quick?" he asked, not even giving you time to speak before he took your arm in his, bringing you to a secluded back room.

"Chris, what are you doing?" you asked as he shut the door to the dark room before turning on the light; soon realizing it was a bathroom.

"Look, Y/N, I'm...." he started to say before running a hand through his beard. "I'm so fucking sorry about what happened. It was a fucking mistake. I miss you so much."

You were angry with him, to say the least. He went and slept with his ex-girlfriend, and you had to find out from the tabloids. What made you even more furious is that you heart still ached for him.

"I don't want you, I need you" Chris rasped out as he came closer to you, grasping your hips.

You quickly slapped his hands away from you as you turned around, your back facing him. Your hands balled into fists at your sides before you raised your voice him, "Well, you should have thought of that before you fucked her. Did I not mean ANYTHING to you?"

Turning around, you looked deep into his eyes, wanting him to feel sorry and regret every decision he made. As his eyes found yours, you could tell he was regretful. Hell, you had spent the last three years with him, you were sure you knew exactly what he was feeling just by looking at him. His eyes held sorrow; his body drooped as he waited for you to do something.

"I hate that I still love you" you breathed out, not regretting your words because they were true. You hated yourself for still loving him, but you did nonetheless.

Chris' eyes widened as you spoke. "Let me make it up to you. Let me show you how sorry I am" he urged and you wanted nothing more than to fuck him right here in the bathroom.

His face descended onto yours, his breathfanning your face. Chris clearly waitedfor you to make a move. As you tiltedyour face towards him, your lips connected, a soft moan escaping your mouth asyou were relieved to have him once again.      

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now