His Cinderella

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"Oh come on Y/N. Please?? Pretty pretty please??" your best friend begged from the other end of the phone as you sat on your bed.

"You know I can't do that Sarah. You know how my parents are," you replied with a sigh.

Sarah groaned into the phone. "Trust me. I know how your parents are. I still can't get over the fact that they treat you like you are ten years old."

It was true, your parents definitely didn't treat you like your age, which was 24 years old. Your whole life it felt like they didn't want you at all. But you knew your mother couldn't get an abortion as her own parents would have removed her from their wills.

The only reason you were putting up with it now was because they were paying for all of your schooling; which was also another thing your grandparents made sure to put in their wills before dying.

As long as you lived at home during your schooling and did all the chores around the house, you got to live there rent free and your school fully paid for and to be honest, you couldn't complain. People drowned in debt from college these days and to be able to have all your degrees and not pay a dime, it was something you could live with for a little while longer.

Normally most people would be done with school by now, but you were going for your Master's degree in Psychology so you still had a little bit longer to go.

"Y/N!" there was a loud bang on your door before your mother opening it, grimacing at you. "Your father and I are going out tonight to a charity event in upstate. It won't end until late and the earliest we will be home is 1 am. Get the house cleaned up." She slammed your door shut, the loud noise making you jump.

"Well that solves that issue," Sarah said and you could hear the smile on her face.


Sarah came over to the large penthouse apartment you lived at with your parents on the Upper East side of New York; two garment bags in hand. Luckily, your younger twin sisters were going with your parents. They were both 18 years old and your parents loved them dearly; showering them with lavish gifts, but most of all, love. They were both bratty towards you and they were the worst part of living at home.

"Tell me how you got us into this again?" you asked as the two of you worked together at cleaning the house before getting ready.

"Well, it was my cousins boyfriends best friend who managed to snack two extra tickets."

You couldn't help but laugh at the depths your best friend went through to get these tickets. At the same time, you didn't even know exactly what this party was you were going to. All you knew was that it was black tie affair, and that there would be celebrities there. Luckily it was taking place on the Upper East side so you would be close to home in case you needed to rush back quickly.

Once the cleaning was finished, Sarah helped you get ready by doing your hair and makeup. You were never one for getting dolled up and fancy, mainly because your parents practically kept you a secret and never let you go to any fancy charities or dinners with them and their friends, so you had no need for it. Also, your parents didn't really let you out of the house at all, except for school. It wasn't a secret you knew they were ashamed of you, all because they had you at the young age of 16. They weren't the greatest parents, but you knew you could have had worse. At least they paid for your schooling and you had shelter, food and clothing all for free. Just a little while longer and you would be out of their hair for good.

Once Sarah was done, you looked in the mirror, not even recognizing yourself. Your eyes popped with the mascara and eyeshadow; your lips a beautiful deep red color. "Wow," you breathed out as you stared at yourself in the mirror.

Chris Evans Imagines and One-Shots (Smut, Fluff, Angst)Where stories live. Discover now